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Slip Poems - Poems about Slip

Slip Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slip to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slip.
Premium Member Sleep, beloved dreamer, when the shadows slip like serpents through the cracks of time
Sleep, beloved dreamer, when the shadows slip like serpents through the cracks of time, Why wake when the night is a dark poem, sifted by blind stars, Keep your secret deeply rooted in dreams of black velvet, Let...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member slip n slides morning sickness and cabbage patch kids summer of 1985
My only niece Lonnie created sheer joy for me especially after i gave birth to two daughters Lonnie was indeed the boss of playtime visiting every summer being she was few years older than my...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, america, angst, anniversary, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

When Did It All Slip Away
When did it all slip away, How did the world and life I Remembered simply go Astray? Friends that shared memories with me are now all gone , Leaving me here to sit and wonder why was I left...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, destiny, feelings, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Do not let the dawn, that tirelessly heralds light, slip from your arms
Do not let the dawn, that tirelessly heralds light, slip from your arms, The man who sows fidelity with the thread of time, his honesty clear as crystal. He, who launches flying doves bearing messages of "Good...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
arty slip
i carved on the stream seated on her mossy edge --- monkeys were watching ...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, art, life,
Form: Haiku

Slip Through Palms
The rote shivery wind is Winter's maid— she breaks heart to own the season's floor; via frost's degrees in my throat, while my glean lancet's chills burn. I tape her over my skin; my fingers in our stitches show— her peel true. Gloves...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, deep, innocence, introspection, memory,
Form: Nonet
Premium Member For a Slip of the Tongue
Speaking ill of others, gossip, carrying tales the quickest route to hell's fiery jail for the mightiest weapon of war is the tongue Who lives, who dies...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, death, life, spoken word,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avoid Skin Cancer- Slip Slop Slap
We reach The beach Nice spot Sand's hot Flies swarm Water's warm Surfers crave Big wave We wish no jellyfish We learn sun burn hot sun have fun slip on a shirt slap on a hat slop on sun screen Dogs invite shark bite mum nags swim between flags HOLIDAY FUN Halloween evening Fright night Seasons Greetings Merry……… ...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, beach,
Form: Footle
Premium Member As I Watched the Fiery Red Sun Slip Behind the Mountain
As I Watched The Fiery Red Sun Slip Behind The Mountain As I watched the fiery red sun slip behind the mountain I tossed a silver dollar in the wishing well fountain My dear wish was for the...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, beautiful, fire, heart, love,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Freudian Slip
the chalice of need contains no poison ~ but might cause a herpes lip scoffed the leper to the serpent ~ who was trying to sponge out a sip the snake dissed the quip quietly ~ his...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, allusion, humor, life, perspective,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member I Let It Slip Away
I let it slip away. With every fleeting day, The countdown ticks, and the woodworm picks.   I let it slip away. We deplete into decay. A heartbreak needs a fix. Sticky roll pops claim extra licks. I let it slip away. Vowed to repay...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, analogy, character, cheer up,
Form: Rhyme
I Let It Slip Away
I let it slip away         That interrupted zoom meeting     ...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, 12th grade, leadership, missing,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member I Let It Slip Away
I let it slip away . . . a beautiful beautiful day. I’d looked out my window and seen blue sky and grass so green. Then back in bed I lay as I slept the morning away. At last I awoke...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, may,
Form: Rhyme
I Let It Slip Away
I let it slip away I remember the days we had together Now our relationship weathers I wish I had just one more minute but I let it slip away Come back for I miss you but I can't...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, day, dream, first love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Slip, Slide, Away
I let it slip away. I held the hand for as long as I could. Too weak to draw the dangling body up. The hand became limp and cold, lifeless, clammy in my fingers. The head below was hanging down impervious to my warm tears...Read the rest...
Categories: slip, depression, hurt,
Form: Free verse

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