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Short Ottava Rima Poems

Short Ottava Rima Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short Ottava Rima poems by PoetrySoup poets. Search the short Ottava Rima poetry form by poem length and keyword.

Feeling trapped, feeling so lonely yet so lost... 
I think I am loosing my mind. I feel as the world, is drowning me with doubt and with so much worries....

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Categories: care,
Form: Ottava rima

Music For Christmas For Shopper
around the world
there are boys girl
singing and jingling
christmas bell
you can tell
its love in the air

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Categories: adventure, holiday,
Form: Ottava rima
Worthy Work
Do the best in all you do
With all your strenght and skill
Let your work be clean and true
Giving your heart and will
Using your time wisely too
With none leftover to kill
So at the end of your working day
Your work is worth your pay...

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Categories: blessing,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Night Show
Wind on strings
Thunder beats 
on drums
Wolf solo sings
Rainfall hums
Owls hoot low
Striking lightning 
In gentle murmur
a spring 
sings lullaby
to sleeping flowers

First Place Winner: Brian Strand July13 Contest...

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Categories: storm,
Form: Ottava rima
Bury Me
Threnody dirges miseries
Severance of machinations
The gravedigger’s shovel buries
These coffin crypt lamentations
Lachrymose welts filling levees
Life’s vile xenotransplantations
Psychopomp as a wraith’s whisper
Dust swept away by a zephyr...

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Categories: dark,
Form: Ottava rima

Premium Member Ottava Rima
A lady named Ottava Rima who hailed from Peruvian Lima would write down her verse then bellow and curse All the structure just made her Scream-a! 2nd Place Limerick Contest Sponsor: Cecilia Hopkins-Drewer 6/11/17

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Categories: ottava rima, humor, poetry,
Form: Limerick
Jasper Johns saw the number eight,
And he was illuminated,
Then he started to speculate:
A lonely number should be mated,
I need something with more weight,
And the obvious he deliberated:
Paint with numbers my good man,
I’ll draw them from the colours in my can!...

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© Desi Gall  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: art, august, creation, fun, mirror, nonsense, relationship,
Form: Ottava rima
Spring's Victory
Blue butterflies dancing with me,
Old stars come down to kiss the earth,
The happy birds are flying free,
A time for perfume, endless mirth
New silver bells ring… Victory!
Snowdrops announce the new Spring birth.
Cherry blossom rise in splendor,
As the winter slow surrender!...

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Categories: happy, spring,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Sunburn Is No Fun
Slipping slowly across the sky,
Summer sun in hot sizzling bliss
Permits no hasty alibi,
Neither offers a gentle kiss,
While ample creams will justify
Protective lotions we dismiss,
So, lest we blister, we must care,
Protective shirts and sunscreen wear.

written May 28, 2021...

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Categories: summer, sun, sunshine,
Form: Ottava rima

Baby knows mother’s scent,
Find her in the dark, need be.
Mama’s strength’s  all but spent
But  baby nestles  on her knee,
Head to breast well-content,
Imbibes  perfume of  famiy tree,
Loving  there  her essence,  fragrance  -
World’s  best  perfume  in abundance....

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Form: Ottava rima
Just a Thought
Went to the orchestra tonight,
All had tails, and gowns to floor,
Distinctive sounds, sounded right.
Came the end, conductor on guard,
Lady’s cleavage focused on;
Conductor’s baton now quite hard
All’s well that bends well, saintly true,
While conductor’s trousers? Steadily grew....

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Categories: humor,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Reducing Knowledge
Insisting one might was well be dead
Feasting upon dark emotional words
This is how the young have been led
Magnetic this compass for the birds
Signal sent be that of infrared 
Drawing them all in by the herds
This be part of their pseudoscience 
By misusing the cognitive science...

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Categories: word play, writing, youth,
Form: Ottava rima
"Gosh!,by heaven who is this again?"
He flew holding unto the wall as it's aid.
It leaped higher,when the light i on again.
He retrieved as the shadow fled.
My fist strucked the wall,
To have it on the tile fall.
But the more i hunt it,
The cockroach escapes it.

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Categories: allegory,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member An Evil Eye
Hurricanes twirl like a kaleidoscope,
chaotic fragments crash in pewter sky,
perpetual unstable isotopes

create apocalypse on land once dry.
Cacophony of wind does shear the hope
to quell hysteria in waters high.

The spiraled carnage in the wind does fly
outside the hollow of an evil eye....

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Categories: rain, weather, wind,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Deep Degradation
By a slender thread hangs my sanity. I am dangling just above an abyss. At any moment, I can fall freely Into the clutches of a nemesis. Short moments seem like an eternity. I have never been in a place like this. I will fall into deep degradation. Please let it be my imagination.

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Categories: fear, imagination,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Eyes Lit On Fire Twilight Tribute
Misfit always out of step with the world,
Outsider longing to run forever;
Then into my reticent life you twirled; 
Proximity my only endeavor;
Eyes lit on fire and my appetite swirled,
there was no confusion whatsoever; 
The vampire in me kindled a sparkle,
Edward Cullen please make me immortal....

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Categories: emotions, film, love, tribute,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Empty Handed
Your fabrications are all that ring true;
You do what you do holding a motive;
That bawdy neon sign reads ‘Ballyhoo’.
Why am I attracted to corrosive?
Patchwork display of broken art you drew,
complete picture is the gift that I give;
I can’t do artificially flavored
unable to stomach empty handed....

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Categories: emotions, feelings,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Doppelganger Of The Sky
At these freckled stars I sit and marvel,
some so delightfully microscopic;
A piece of this universal puzzle 
casts it’s spell over me so hypnotic;
Oh what a vision it leaves me tearful
with one gaze I’m left optimistic;
Your skin’s a doppelgänger of the sky, 
and it’s got me feeling recklessly high…...

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Categories: emotions, feelings, love,
Form: Ottava rima
When serendipity ignites,
A fire burns within the mind. 
Attesting to one’s new insight. 
The soul with joy does quickly bind. 
Then, leads a man to great delight.
Approaching widsom’s glow refined.
When providence is thus amused, 
Intelligence becomes infused.

Ó November 17, 2011
Dane Smith-Johnsen...

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Categories: life, philosophy,
Form: Ottava rima

When  icicles  hang  by  the  wall
And Dick the shepherd blows his nail,
If those frozen spears should happen to fall
And miss the solid  milk in pail
And Tom bears logs into the hall,
They might the young man assail.

They  could pierce him  like a  knife
Could be  the end of  poor Tom’s life...

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Categories: seasons
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Initiating Impulse
Specific does do be this carrier wave It was simply completed by thought Around the world it will be the rave Putting to an end all that had fought In each individual to save The incoming blast all will be caught Now initiating brand new rays All that it requires is some initial forethought

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Categories: love, peace,
Form: Ottava rima
Rhyming Verse
R-hyming verse written
A-nd poetry spoken have let
Y-our heart and soul open,
N-ot minding the woes and fret,
A-s the wide blue heaven
L-ets not your memory forget,
Y-our both eyes have read first
N-othing but the rhyming verse.

Topic: Birthday of Raynalyn Basabica (March 24)
Form: Acrostic Ottava Rima...

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Categories: birthday,
Form: Ottava rima
Storm of Starvation
Food shortage looms again the world over;
as war in Ukraine threatens wheat supply!
Globe faces the hurricane of hunger
due to hypersonic missiles that fly!
Modern weapon’s devastating power
lets both enemies and civilians die.
The rain of bullets coming from the gun
never lets mankind eat beneath the sun!...

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Categories: war,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Dandelion Wishes In Hades
Soft dandelion wishes in Hades 
sprinkling passion softly into the wind;
Longing for love not dependent on fees, 
to experience this the rules I’d bend;
Just a little taste of this oasis,
when is this unquenchable thirst to end? 
Two wildflowers in a field of lilac,
I will always find a way to come back. 

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Categories: emotions, feelings, flower, love,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Chivalry
If I could travel back in time I would
Return to the great age of chivalry
To meet Sir Lancelot and Robin Hood
In Merry Old England is where I'd be
I would raise my sword for all that is good
And kiss the hand of my fair lady
To scale the castle wall with the moon above
Just to spend a night in the arms of my love...

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Categories: fantasy, romance, time,
Form: Ottava rima

Book: Shattered Sighs