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Short Autonomous Poems

Short Autonomous Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Autonomous by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Autonomous by length and keyword.

Premium Member Autonomous
wheel reinvented
 has no axle and one spoke 
   ~  all disc connected   ~

David Kavanagh...

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Categories: autonomous, allusion, humor, parody,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Autonomy Stories

"I" remains in

A an

Autonomous role

Autonomy would seem

To retain a hold in


As the story unfolds

In this way......

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Categories: autonomous, character, me, psychological, words,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Abstraction a Freed Verse

intersecting lines
 swaths of colour
by a  chance

 to coincide
in response...

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Categories: autonomous, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Makita Xx: Daredevil
The finest siren
To have tread the fairest acres
At the height of skyscraper
She ascends
autonomous and replete
fashioning the ashes
that compose the minutes
that we have loved and lost...

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Categories: autonomous, lost love,
Form: Verse
American In Thoughts
Once there was a man called Jenish”the Good”
tried all ways for “freedom in thoughts for good”
autonomous state of mind 
freedom to fly by the wind
bloody could I boast ”I am an American in thoughts!”...

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Categories: autonomous, humor,
Form: Limerick

We are engines
             not autonomous,
             we need for
             safe driving
              two engines....
              mine and yours..
              My dear !
              That's how we work. !...

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Categories: autonomous, allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation, creation, extended metaphor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member An Accident Waiting To Happen

Marks everyone 

As someone..

An autonomous

Person..the actor

Among actors on

A familiar stage..

A suggestion that

This is a story

An empty story

May be an accident

Waiting to happen

To no one......

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Categories: autonomous, adventure, beautiful, birth, character, i am,
Form: Blank verse
Tactile Contrast: real Axe and all ow.
iahn the liahn i rwr and i meo
Anon-animas  no 'his Tree' and no Tale.
Cainst blind quotal status now hold Time to rail!
sine-pole verities always true,
To which were subscribed unqualified Coo's.
Causal science was set up to deal:
Autonomous self, rationality, free will....

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Categories: autonomous, metaphor, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unmasked Empathy
births Integrity,

As contentious Equality
bows to common Equity,

As Acceptance
longs, yet, for Appreciation,

As Sympathy
hopes for Empathy,

As being Me-Autonomous
moves toward becoming 
profoundly We-Democratic,

As multicultural Awareness
embraces warm Inclusion
births Integrity...

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Categories: autonomous, analogy, appreciation, culture, education, health, integrity, power,
Form: Political Verse
Decision To Decide
As I went on my morning walk,
My inner thoughts reached a fork.
A place not new; another view.
A decision was to be made.
To other's opinions, usually swayed.
At that moment, my own thinking clear.
Never before, was I here.
My decision, a clear choice.
My autonomous voice
To follow with pride
My decision to decide....

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Categories: autonomous, growth, self,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blaue Reiters Ride and Paint
follow paths

a glance
an understanding

in time
             inner sound

on the threshold
              & spiritual


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Categories: autonomous, art, tribute,
Form: Ekphrasis
A Dimming Sky
I stand amidst a dimming sky,
adorning nigh my wandering eye.
Serene it seems to feel autonomous. 
Though: yet and still remains annonymous,
the one who holds my heart fain.
I wait in silence where my soul has lain,
for her alluring anatomy to enter my gaze.
Only to cherish as an angel throughout my days,
and never shall i go awry.
For you i wait.
Amidst a dimming sky....

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Categories: autonomous, faith, friendship, hope, life, love,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Blaue Reiter a Ride On Blue Print
follow paths
a glance
 an understanding
  of the
in time&
          the inner sound

on the threshold
             of innocence

allegory in ambiguity...

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Categories: autonomous, art, tribute,
Form: Ekphrasis
Culture Loom
The roaming minutes encircle my thoughts
As I delve romantically into the possibility of falling
My associations, they tend for the lift
When my vicarious aberrations cause a pigs tail in their midst
Yet their overworn malicious grin tends to me a harrowing mystique dealt subsequent
Therein, in lieu of stirring a stew in such autonomous disparity, as of late,
I wave the waiter over for the check
and leave breadcrumbs sticking to my plate...

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Categories: autonomous, allegory,
Form: Personification
Golden Brothel
Mind; O Beauty
My mind of thinking is autonomous
On this forlorn golden brothel

So, let's
Be wanderer
On this independent trunk of the sky
Like the goalless morning breezes

So, let's
Be traveler
On this independent chest of earth
Like the goalless ever-flowing stream of the river

So, let's
Be dreamer
In this independent brothel of the loving heart
Like the epoch maker verses of the classical poet

Chattogram © Mahtab Bangalee...

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Categories: autonomous, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Our Place In Time
As autonomous space
is to empowering internally uniting Matter,

So too is eternal stasis,
emptiness of incarnate co-relational,
flowing Time
to enLightened Energy,
Whole OpenSystemic,

Lose/Lose past ZeroZone 
absence of verbalized memory,
through Win/Lose present
window to Win/Win future
nondualistic Ego-place
within EcoSystemic synergetic Time

Left/Right bilaterally hemispheric
intelligent SpaceBody/MindTime....

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Categories: autonomous, earth, health, integrity, peace, space, time, universe,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hieronymus Hippopotamus
Hieronymus the Hippopotamus,
Implied at times that he was xylotomous;
Even claiming to be most gregarious.
Real time though, he loved to be autonomous;
Only decidedly not anonymous;
Not to mention being quite hilarious.
Yet no one found him to be synonymous,
Moreover, with the crudely cantankerous;
Unlikely even to be obstreperous.
Some friends on the Nile found him magnanimous....

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Categories: autonomous, animal, funny, humor, silly,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Wholeness Questions
The wholeness questions..

Most apparently see life

As disconnected..separate..

Talk of illusion

Is quickly dismissed..

A few may pause

When questioned thus:

  How might wholeness seem..with

  No time and space

  No autonomous persons

  No locations

  No "others"

  No happenings..

These questions stall the mind

And spontaneously

Not-knowing may be 

Paradoxically flash

For no-one..



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Categories: autonomous, beauty, happy, word play,
Form: Blank verse
Not Again
Not again shall I fall a victim of folly,

Or again allow my heart be melancholy.

I shall let loose my fancy roam unroped,

And my dreams wander unstopped.


Ideas shall rule my mind,

And all I have shall respite find

In the autonomous flow of ease,

Till I slumber in eternal bliss.


Never again shall I follow the dictum of demagogues,

Nor be counseled by empty anecdotes of conceited pedagogues;

I shall let all slither free,

And all ordained to be shall be....

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Categories: autonomous, hope
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs