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Shania Poems - Poems about Shania

Shania Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shania to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shania.
...South Park and Dragon tales. Twin peaks and Seinfeld. Family guy and The Daily Show. Ace of Base and Cheryl Crow. Friends and Will and Grace. Babylon 5 and spac......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
...I'll cross the sky of blue and gray To roam across seas faraway To the ocean of soaring dreams Beyond the hills and endless streams I'll go to land of milk and sweets I'll ride with bird ......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, dream,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Shania the Oak Leaf Cat
...Shania was an oak leaf cat with ears to the sky. She was a jokester with barely a snarl or try. We met her on an autumn day, my buddy and me. She was sitting on the edge of a huge oak tree.......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, cat,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Shania Twain
...Apple of my eye Reason for my smile Woman of my dream My Shania Twain I'm just an ordinary man You are a shining star But my love for you is real My Shania Twain I will always lov......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, appreciation,
Form: I do not know?
Study Hard
...Happy birthday, Sister Shania, Study hard to gain more knowledge; Let learning be your mind's mania, Train in God's wisdom and message. Topic: Birthday of Shania Paredes (March 09)......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, birthday,
Form: Quatrain

Letting Line Endorse Greeting
...S-ender H-as A-uthored N-atal I-nspiring A-crostic J-ust E-mploying N-ice N-ame's I-mpressive E-xpression L-etting L-ine E-ndorse G-reeting I-n R-eader's O-ne N-ame Topic: B......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Note In Acrostic Poem
...S-cribe H-appily A-uthors N-ote I-n A-crostic P-oem A-s R-egards E-mploy D-ivine E-xpression's S-weetness Topic: Birthday of Shania Paredes (March 09) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Acrostic Note Inspires
...S-ee H-ow A-crostic N-ote I-nspires A-s P-oems A-re R-eally E-xceptional D-enoting E-xcellent S-ubstance Topic: Birthday of Shania Paredes (March 09) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
If Rays Open Naturally
...S-ee H-ow A-nother N-ewness I-n A-ppearance J-ust E-rases N-ight N-icely I-solating E-venfall L-ike L-onely E-vening G-ray I-f R-ays O-pen N-aturally Topic: Birthday of Shan......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
After the Evening Rain
...N-ight cold chill has turned I-nto warm new morning light, A-s dawn has broken. Topic: Birthday of Shania "Nia" Paredes (March 9) Photo: Google Form: Acrostic Haiku......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, birthday,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Shania My Love
...Shania my love, you gorgeous creature Sure like to explore all your amazing features It would blow my mind Snuggling up, I'd go blind I'd be your pupil and you'd be my teacher © Jack......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, tribute,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member It Only Hurts When You Let It
...It only hurts when you let it. I used to be the living example of the words to Shania Twain's song: "It only hurts when I breathe." I'm becoming stronger. I need to be. It's called self-preservation.......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, hurt, prejudice,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Shania Twain Drives Me Insane- In the Best of Ways
...That Shania Twain Drives me insane She croons out the songs, “In my Car”….. My glorified feminist is “SHE” The ferocious female hunter She knows when to be feminine “Man! I Feel like a Woman!......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, celebrity, identity, women,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member I Wish
...I wish I were an angel To flood your world with my light To hold, comfort and cheer you All through long lonely night I wish I were a fairy To flit about your dear heart To give it tiny squeezes Whe......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, desire, relationship, romance,
Form: Quatrain
Favorite Lyrics
...“We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout” And though we may dream of ‘Jackson’, the fire has yet to go out; I smile as I idly think of you, tempting me still to this day, And no ma......Read the rest...
Categories: shania, loveme, love, me, smile,
Form: Rhyme

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