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Poor Poems - Poems about Poor

Poor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about poor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for poor.
Steps Beyond Stagnation
Inertia's whispered promise: stagnation's dark shroud We risk being lost in the undertow of untaken steps Not all of us will wear the mantle of wealth But inaction's chill grasp, we can all be poor Education's radiant light may...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, allegory, allusion, class, dedication,
Form: Free verse
Poor Pirate Polly
There once was a pirate who was bored so she went for a walk and explored. A patch on both eyes and no warning cries she walked herself straight off of board....Read the rest...
Categories: poor, fish, nonsense,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Poor Oscar
The wife of Oscar the Grouch cried and cried. Her husband the Grouch in a fire, died! He said he'd be happy, And just to be sappy, He swore, "let lightning strike me if I've lied". ...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, funny,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

That Language of Silence
Oh, how can we deny ! when the poor translations of HIS language deafen us, while HIS silences make us cry. (01.03.2025) "Silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation" - Rumi....Read the rest...
Categories: poor, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
But what’s a poor boy to do
Since the day I first saw light I was so tough and hard up for the fight I learnt the hard way as my rule The school of hard knocks made me no-ones fool But whats a poor boy...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, death,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Injustice, a tale as old as time, Echoes through the ages, a perpetual crime. From Amos' scriptural cry to traditional Ifa's call, The holy Quran and Bible, too, denounce injustice's thrall. Yet, why do people struggle to uphold what's...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, abuse, africa, corruption, crush,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member rich richer,poor poorer
a rich is a richer conversation, a poor is a poorer controversy the speak of a conversation is, the speak of a controversy poor is a poor conversation rich is a poor conversation a poor conversation is a rich conversation fame is...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, philosophy, time,
Form: Free verse
To the downtrodden, the marginalized, and worn, Is this the fate that's yours to mourn? The bourgeoisie, a cabal of power and might, Gather to crush the poor, and snuff out their light. The poor, in turn, unwittingly join...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, africa, class, conflict, courage,
Form: Lyric
In the humble, sad dwelling, last year's Christmas decorations still permanent, the same ornaments... ...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, allusion, celebration, christmas,
Form: Free verse
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
there's a second ocean sprawled like an accident, a spill of plastic guts and chemical veins choking what swims, suffocating the tides that once dreamed of moonlight and salt. we did this. with our coffee cups and straws, our six-pack rings, our shiny wrappers...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member - Poor Christmas Tree -
~ Last year's Christmas decorations are still up ... reward for laziness ~ ...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, cheer up, humor,
Form: Monoku
How can I mingle with the poor, I’m a millionaire, My intellect superior, And the masses inferior. I am a street sweeper, my name is Jane, Passers by think I’m insane, I am the sole earner in a family of...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, i am,
Form: Free verse
Poor jack
There once was a dumb builder named jack who put bricks on a sink in a stack didn’t do what he aught ta Now the floors full of water A mistake that then got him the sack...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, silly,
Form: Limerick
Diwali - A festival of lights
Diwali is the festival of lights in which the rockets reach the heights a day filled with laughter and fun a temporary relief from the hasty run sweets shared with everyone around and the sound of crackers and happiness surround the...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, firework, happiness, happy, poverty,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Trailer Park
After work at Google, I sat with the guys I said we were elite, enlightened and wise We had to censor those in this benighted nation Who spread disruptive disinformation. A Venture Cap named Hank said this isn't fair He...Read the rest...
Categories: poor, america, culture, discrimination, humor,
Form: Lyric

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