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Oman Poems - Poems about Oman

Oman Poems - Examples of all types of poems about oman to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for oman.
The A to Z of Countries
...A is for Australia, full of weird beasts, Where even the cute ones can bite you at least. B is for Brazil, where football is life, And people dance samba with joy (and no strife). C is for Ca......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, appreciation, funny, games, history,
Form: List
Premium Member GONZO STATION, Gulf of Oman, Northern Zone, 1980
...It had something to do with American hostages in Iran was all I knew. Some political complication that required a showing of the flag. But Iran had been our ally? I’d seen their sailors train at ou......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, allegory, america,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Darbat Valley amazing sight valley Darbat in Oman so neat shade of greens......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, adventure, beautiful, green,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Unbridgeable Chasm
...A small hair-thin gap; this got widened like the Oman Gulf; Life, as though within the mouth of a ghost, did get engulf; No look; no smile; no speech; deadly movements performed like plays, Physi......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, life, relationship, soulmate,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Song For a Soldier No Solace For a Vet
...A noble trade a soldier made To fight and serve my country The cradle fix indoctrinates A nationalistic junkie As in Oman true colours shown A philanthropic lie Semper fi, death before dishonor......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, angst, conflict, corruption, discrimination,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member 100 Years On
...One hundred years ago in 1921 The 15th of May a new charity begun Amalgamating  charities of which there were  4 The Royal British Legion set up to aid those from the great war. Earl Haig and T......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, history, memorial, military, remembrance
Form: Free verse
Tunisian Winds -- Song Lyric --
...Mohamed Bouazizi, a poor man who sold produce from a cart, in a country bleeding from the open wound of corruption, got up that morning expecting to do nothing more than support his family with......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
The Star of Oman
...The Star of Oman By Joji Varghese Kuncheria The star that dawned the horizon, For five decades is gone for ever, But the legacy is going to remain, As a beacon to lead generations. The p......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, bereavement, celebrity, death, feelings,
Form: Elegy
The Star of Oman
...The Star of Oman By Joji Varghese Kuncheria The star that dawned the horizon, For five decades is gone for ever,  But the legacy is going to remain, As a beacon to lead generations. The peo......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, 12th grade, hero, obituary,
Form: Elegy
O Member States of Un: Nations That Begin With O - Surprise Surprise Indeed
...LORD, I humbly greet Thee who got me up, gifted me another DAY God in THREE PERSONS: Father, Son, Spirit, I love Thee as YOU first loved me I have a prayer list, and "O" countries, for YOU alone ar......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, bangla, education, encouraging, environment,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Inspirational Blessings and Greetings For the New Year
...Greetings to each of you my dearly beloved brothers and sisters. Please read these seventeen blessings rendered for you in God's grace: I. May God’s love for the new year grant you joy and inspira......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, bible, blessing, devotion, inspirational,
Form: Pastoral
Earnest Religiosity
...W-oman I-mmediately F-ollows E-ach O-rder F-rom M-aker I-n N-icely I-mplementing S-tatutes T-hrough E-arnest R-eligiosity Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, faith,
Form: Acrostic
Time and Tide Wait For No Man
...Or Woman, Or Child, Or... The following elucidated conjecture actually can (reed best) be taken with a grain of salt, and no re ban nah nah split 'ope ya 'ere me cloud and lea......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, 11th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Expressing Love
...A-nother W-oman B-egins E-xpressing L-ove L-ike E-veryone N-eeds P-ure A-ffection R-egardless O-f N-ational I-dentity Topic: Birthday of Aw Bellen Paroni (August 12) Form: Verti......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Maranao Poem - Sndita Ko Muslim
... ~ Sndita ko Muslim ~ · Badn khalalayami a Biyaloy a sndita o bala tano sa ingd a ophoon ana mbto na sndita so Muslim... · Na ba ini babago pn a oman pha paromanan i andang dn ko ingd ......Read the rest...
Categories: oman, anti bullying,
Form: ABC

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