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Mole Poems - Poems about Mole

Mole Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mole to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mole.
My Aunty Has A Beard I have a favourite aunty She makes me kind of feared, Because my favourite aunty She has a jaggy beard. The first time that I saw it It gave me quite a...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, childhood, growing up, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Velvety earthmover, pink spades for paws, mining for wriggles and nibbles. You dig, delve and shovel, breaststroke, through the soil, a subterranean swimmer, seeking a trapped sunlight in the dimly packed dirt. Myopic mole, surface, peep out, to blink at the moonlight, rest upon your...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member What Can I Do Asked Mole
mole was digging and digging and digging some more. moon finally asked him “Are your claws not truly duly sore?” they sure are, said mole, “But what can I do?” “I would use a gardening tool called a...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member What Lives In This Mole Hole House
My imagination skipped a beat Swallowed hard, spun around Tried to find answers in the woods The trees were silent Would a gnome come out? A mouse? A ground hog? I sat on a rock and pondered for an hour. Watching the mole...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Light Verse
The Hidden Black In Pearl
In my Pearl observed a hole: The Hidden black of a mole; From that day ceased to be whole, From that hour A Big Charcoal I should not give my prized soul Or, else, smell not my set goal, Play...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, analogy, evil, fear, woman,
Form: Rhyme

Secret eyes popping like hidden ears peeping while silent words are seeping from cunning mouths propping. November 10, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, senses,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mole Finds His Eyes and Plants Potatoes
Mole would have been a gardener, but he just couldn’t see. He was consigned to dig and dig and wander aimlessly. But then a woodland faerie popped him upon the snout, gave him a bulbous brownish thing, told him to let it...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, animal, fantasy, silly,
Form: Quatrain
Mole and Rat Locate Portly Otter Junior
I Mr. R. was in rapt reverie Mr. M rowed the boat A last minute rescue mission For otter gone over, for a Piper Not Pied, but he may as well have been Lured the junior from Mr. Portly O. Otter senior,...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, adventure, allegory, for teens,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Whack a Mole
behold i’m a troll being an imposter my goal besides i’ve no role behind these screens rots my soul ...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, allusion, hate, jealousy,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Ancestry Whack-A-Mole
genealogy family tree treasure hunt— come to your census *** 12/9/2019...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, family, history, people, tree,
Form: Senryu
The Slow Toothless Mole
In one labor of Star-nosed Moles Traveled a slower toothless cow The last in line, all that she sees Is sore gums and molasses now!...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, animal, anxiety, funny, word
Form: Quatrain
Mole Rat
I cannot type I cannot write I cannot read I cannot see I cannot hear I cannot smell I am like a mole rat...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, angst, candy, courage, day,
Form: Free verse
The Bare Handed Mole Toss
Though you might think I seem country And there's a lot of that in my roots I was raised metropolitan, Not much on plows, guns and boots! Once when my stepson came over To cut up a fallen tree for...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, humorous, imagery, marriage, nature,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member What Cha Gonna Do When the Duck Mole Comes For You-
Somethings gonna get you; somethin' got it's eye on you; Open and shutting mouth What's a beak gonna do; Chew you up and down; Peck you on your sunburn arm; Spit in your eyes; Scratch your thigh; Why, Oh why; It's crawling out you...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, adventure, analogy, animal, anxiety,
Form: Dramatic Verse
My Grass and Mole Cricket
My Grass and Mole Cricket My grass is being killed by mole cricket, Even beneath my fence that is a picket; Grass is dying; We are crying; Do wish there is way that we can lick it. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: mole, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

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