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You searched Exact Keyword(s): introspection in category: me and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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An Introspection

an introspection
live by the sea and feel it,
the incomplete thought

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Introspection is consciousness's devise to realign itself with divinity's will!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
        04 June 2021
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Tanka 3

rumbling discontent
suppressed passion seeking air
steaming stained tears
evolution’s resurgent
blossomed introspection

John G. Lawless
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Oh, shots!
Coming home again
ever ever again, ever
the eyes stare away from the head, not back inward
away from the self
No, shots!
Gone again down the clear road,
never never again, never
eyes covered in stifling dust.
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I silenced myself
Only thoughts to keep company
I disconnected myself 
From modern society 
In silence I discovered myself 
My purpose became known 
With purpose I discovered others
And I was guided home

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Time Left

the countdown
steady gallop
not altered
by one iota
the sprint
as days numbered
turn inward
with introspection
how to spend
the time left
the needs
to fulfill

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Posted on March 26, 2019
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As History's Made

In the heat of the action
   shots ringing out
When the battle is pitched
   'midst cries and shouts

As history's made
   and heroes emerge
Retreats and advances
   tides turn and surge

Now's no time for fleeting
   thoughts' introspection ~ 
The story retold
   enriches reflection
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Introspection Iii

If one has a trip in his life to take, it must be that of introspection!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
      23 March 2019 

* At the entrance of Apollo's temple was written " Know Thyself " 
for God wished to inform the mortals that only in that way they may
come to know HIM! (Inscription dated from 6th century BC).
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Air Brushing Out Lifes Mistakes

If only I could air brush out
the many monochrome
moments of my life
that have caused so much
damning introspection 
and debilitating self doubt.

No good traveling the same 
old beaten track
I just want to feel good about myself
and put the stolen self worth back
Adding colour to my life
throwing ambient light upon my 
darkest days and nights.

Peter Dome.copyright.2014.
Details | I do not know? |


Spend some time alone in introspection
Weigh yourself against the status quo
Suddenly you’ll realize on reflection
Every body’s going with the flow
To stand alone while others hurry faster
Requires a steady lean against the  rush
And like a rock within a stream of falling
The shelter you provide will be a rill
A place for life to feed and spawn or rest
A haven for the sands of time to fill
Mayhap a seed will tree to hold a nest
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I shall make sure my heart is in the right place Meditating, I look into myself, introspectively, I must always be able to look myself in the face I shall make sure my heart is in the right place, Justifying why I’ve been given a coveted space It is always a good thing to observe reflectively I shall make sure my heart is in the right place Meditating, I look into myself, introspectively.
Written June 14, 2022
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Sifting Sad Shadows From the Past

Flour, baking powder, sugar, salt
must be integrated smoothly, to a fault
if what is baked will turn out good
keeping it all in proportion, as one should

"Sifting sad shadows from the past"
to aerate lighter memories that will last
helps break down the bigger lumps
of those times feeling down in the dumps

Having a memory a bit more like a sieve
may not be such a bad way to live
introspection shakes up, softens time
laughing later-- adds a hint of lime
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i’m an ebony
hued mind poet
writing mine

inking words
bled from 
pregnant thoughts
yearning to be shared

is caring about:

hungry children
horrors of murder innocence
and lumbering shadows of life

i’m an ebony
hued mind poet
writing mine

a cranial reservoir
spear tipped words
dipped in magical rhythms
conjuring cosmic consciousness:

defying the cryptic void
of silent dwellings.
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All this introspection
gets too much, 
crushing you under 
its own gravity, drawing you
inwards. Even the senses are
captive to its cause, the head
a dark, claustrophobic hole.

Then the world miraculously 
intervenes with an afternoon, 
blowing leaves in circles
about your heavy feet
as if to tickle and bend solemn 
lips into a begrudging smile.

Then the unexplainable,
a sense of something escaping, 
glancing off the ordinary
into eternity 
and almost embarrassingly, 
you give a little skip.
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Lost Potential

full of potential
like a timely three act play
the quintessential
long ago and far away
they would find no brighter day

locked close together
as if time could not move them
not knowing whether
they'd handle what was to come
their moorings became undone

hints of rejection
hiding in common place words
like introspection
repeating that's for the birds
little chance for afterwards

no use debating
their future left on that plane
like new fallen summer rain
what once was won't be again
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The Process of Introspection

I found envy
in the windswept field
filled with bright buttercups
and pollen laced gusts.
Tall grass thrashed
where the angels flashed
and flaunted silver wings.
Made of faith,
exuding grace.

I found rage. Eyes 
tied to weights, awake
lying next to carrion
a convulsing vulture ripped away
Her ivory dress, caked in gore
the bald bird always needed 

I sat silent in the grass,
moping. Hoping it would pass.
Needing something to be the bolt
to shock some sense into me.
Lone atop the hill, it was 
just my luck.
Lightning struck.
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Crawling under my skin,
A question itches at my beating heart.
Making it's presence known,
My heart beats faster and faster.

Consciousness of the answer prompts me to wonder,
Why ask it in the first place?
Consciousness of the answer,
Is what raises my heart beat in the first place.

We all want to believe that what we do makes a difference,
That in some way, shape, or form we are really worth something.
That we're involved in something greater than ourselves.

I fear I know the answer to the question that burns inside me,
But I will ask it anyway.

Am I a good person?
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I nnermost thoughts and sentiments
N ascent desires and emotions
T rapped inside this clay vessel
R eminiscent  of magma boiling below the surface
O verflowing and yet contained
S imultaneously, while being subdued momentarily, I
P eruse my inner being, my thoughts
E rupting from deep within my spirit
C limaxing in profound meditation
T otally entranced by my own perceptions
I nviting me to further ruminations and regurgitations
O bliterating all traces of my selfishness, on my
N ever ending quest to reach perfection

John Derek Hamilton
June 22, 2016
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He stands somewhere
     football depravity
     butterfly nighttime kisses ~
soccer shin splints
     lilac blooms perfuming
his dreams and unpatience.

He knows of loss and
         spine bending
               penance ceaseless.

He writes with quiet introspection
    bloody chaos and
    devotion and steadfast commitment.

He found me drowning.
     Picked me up
carried me
of the added weight.

Before me stands the meaning
     of the love
         of a friend.
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The Time Being Now

there comes a time when we are shaken
violently out of pompous and vain complacency

there comes a time for solemn introspection
for re-evaluating priorities and beliefs

there comes a time for sober questioning
meaning and grasping chance for realignment

there comes a time for summoning
self-awareness and restoring faith

it's in such troubled times that we are tested
and somehow the guiding light may shine clearer than ever

AP: Honorable Mention 2022

Submitted on January 21, 2022 for contest A STRAND (1056) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

Originally posted on January 20, 2022
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2 Quarters

I ride a dappled horse and I'm full of introspection
With centrifugal force I gaze with circumspection
This merry-go-round gives me a sense of connection
While conversely I feel immense disaffection

Then the roan steed begins a gentle ascent
With an easy speed I ponder this peculiar event
I feel comfort and I feel awe at this predicament
But most of all I feel no earthbound lament

I transcend the corporeal and temporal plane
I hear a choir and see beauty the world couldn't contain
I experience relief and forgetting in this new domain
I join the One and sing along to the refrain

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Teenage years were the coldest , held his first cigarette at age 16.
Chose wrong friends, this was the phase of a 'Rogue mindset' .
On a rollercoaster of emotions each and everyday , that innocent boy was gone!

Was he gone for good?
They had to move far away, that town was toxic, money got in the way of many's dreams .
Dreams ! Dreams ! Dreams!
On the Boulevard all lost,
A dark forest!
Falling from grace.....

In the moment of War!
A moment of self introspection.
It was now a time  to account for thy mistakes. Hurt a lot of people along the way , it was time to apologize and rise a new man!
The days of being a boy were over!
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The Nineteen Eighties

The nineteen 80's

Early eighties was my sweet teens,
as I could see every thing in greens,
College canteen and vegetable patties,
Oh my youthful eighties !

Remember those days of bunking classes,
late night parties and clinking of glasses,
Old movies and handsome heroes,
Exam days and highly probable zeroes,

Writing letters was then an art,
No mobiles, postages also not that smart,
Interactions and lot of clinical acumen,
Computer machines were beyond imagine,

Lots of time for pondering and retrospection,
Busy now the life is, not even introspection ??

Written March 7th, 2015
For contest "Decades" by Kelly Deschler
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Bill is my name, fresh-pressed, dressed in all green,
flaunting the face of a president.
I have long been a resident,
resting in your fold.
Envy may be a guest when I'm seen,
And people treat me like gold.

I'm a man of trade, made valuable by trust.
I can be a fool for stringency
or a tool for generosity.
Use this time for introspection.
I'll reveal your motive of kindness or lust.
Your use of me is your reflection.

I am wanted everywhere I effect,
a hot topic on Wall Street,
known by strangers before our first meet.
Dollar is my alternate name.
Make sure you treat me with respect
for I can bring you honor or shame.

Written 4-20-18
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The Destination

Hope springs eternal in the land of the open mind and heart

Steadfast they move towards that which never left their sight

Yet those who have lost faith in their fellow travellers

Will never see the beauty of stars hiding behind the darkness of night.

Or how they glow in streams of silver moonlight 

Basking in their own piece of heaven

Painting pictures of unimaginable places

Places unsullied by course hands and insipid minds,

The back packers delight, their own personal unicorn,

A nautical point to which lifes’ compass beckons.

Forcing introspection, for the weary eyes of such travellers

And reconsideration of a once certain headings

Book: Reflection on the Important Things