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Long Tristich Poems

Long Tristich Poems. Below are the most popular long Tristich by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Tristich poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Three
Stand awed with spirit, soul, and body--- pause.
Physical, chemical, and biological laws
obey God's commands, the trees with applause.

The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost
bear record in heaven, first and foremost.
His created works speak also,...

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Categories: bible, blessing, christian, creation, faith, god, spiritual,
Form: Tristich

Premium Member Blessedville Orphanage Fairy Tale
There resided in an Orphanage, called Blessedville
Lovely girls whose names are Charitybelle,
Faithgayle and Hopedelle.
They are best friends and in prayer they are aligned
Asking God to give them adoptive parents who are kind…
Yet they must...

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Categories: appreciation, blessing, children, christian, encouraging, god, true
Form: Tristich
Premium Member A Lull
As I slept a spell fell over me                           ...

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Categories: dream, music, storm,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Defenseless
Unlike the days of old when cities were built with walls. Unlike the streets        of my rearing, the place where my story began.  And unlike a lone...

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Categories: america, cheer up, courage, heart, innocence,
Form: Tristich
For Heather Heyer: Loving Painful Truths In Unity
Your pain is my pain, because human suffering was never an individual matter
The wisdom of every culture, the founder of every faith, made that clear
We cannot separate suffering into cubes, accept baby deaths in Africa...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, animal, anti bullying, child abuse, death
Form: Tristich

Premium Member Stray Dog Roaming
Oh, where did you come from? The sad sight of you 
     breaks my heart in two. I see that you're lost, 

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Categories: animal, dog, encouraging, imagery, sad,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Rejoicing In the Lord As An Adopted Child
This is a poetic testimony of a child from an orphanage ...
adopted by loving parents:

Though I look sober, still in the Lord do I indeed rejoice
Grateful am I to hear my father and mother’s voice

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Categories: tristich, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Excuses Galore
Let’s relax along mentorship pleasure
to bask in varied students’ excuses when facing pressure
as they abound for sure…

Learner A says, “There is a lion in the way”
so I’m late for the reporting schedule today
hope to fulfill...

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Categories: character, christian, faith, god, jesus, perspective, truth,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Perfect Government
“Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him...

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Categories: bible, blessing, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual,
Form: Tristich
12 Sibling Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas,
my eldest brother Reuben said to me:
“Let us all serve Jesus Christ only”

On the second day of Christmas,
my older sibling Simeon said to me:
“To the LORD, let us send our...

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Categories: christian, devotion, family, religious,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Daily Victory In the Lord
Midst Monday bouts in work arena
knocking body with fatigue angst…
God’s victory* strengthens my faith to keep pressing on.

Though Tuesday schedule seems to fail
frustrating mind against planning zest…
The Lord revives my spirit as a warrior marching...

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Categories: blessing, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual, work,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member The Gift of Love
The gift of love is what makes our world
spin on its axis; the most paramount of treasures
The greatest gift to the human race

Give love freely; give it to yourself, and to life!
What a spectacular thing...

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Categories: life, love, meaningful, perspective, wisdom,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member In God's Goodness
In God’s  goodness*, always abounding.
He keeps us within His compassion’s  surrounding...
While in His Word we are abiding.

Within His goodness of tender mercy
The Lord attends to our prayer of faith’s fervency...
Exhorting us to have...

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Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Prayer For a Zealous Person
My prayer for Mykhalylo Tyaglyy* in his tasks as researcher, writer, and editor:

Desirous to serve God, work toward His kingdom advancement-height

Be useful for His glory, with cooperative, humble, joyful disposition-light

Contribute your necessary part, being a...

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Categories: christian, devotion, faith, god, jesus, spiritual, uplifting,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Ghosts
Oh, for the love of God... 
      Why must you always stay 
 Tethered to me? Sever your strings.

     You keep creeping behind me;

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Categories: angst, memory, symbolism,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member City of Trees
I saw one day a city of trees
Walking down a path with me
Following hidden eyes to see

Saplings jungled up together
Like a stream of walkers too
Confused at all by windy weather

Deer pellets scattered walk-aways
Somebody's got to...

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Categories: mythology, nature, tree,
Form: tristich
Premium Member Ataraxis
As we traverse in happiness of euphoric thoughts
Exuberance of sunrise permeates our avid hearts
Holding hands of leisure on hushed idyllic grounds,

Where pink lotus-blooms lift-up in pristine pond
Floating stilled moments in beauty of white swans,
Embracing day’s...

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Categories: happiness, nature, peace, silence,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member A Lull
He trusted that writer’s block was just a lull and searched for his pen

Ink had dried for some time and his worn mind scratched for words

A lullaby or even a tristich would do if an...

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Categories: peace,
Form: Tristich
Poetry has helped me maximize 
enjoyment of my functionality as a person
so blessed by the Lord in my capacity as a writer, 
teacher, social worker, values coach and an orphanage mother.

I thank God for using...

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Categories: tristich, appreciation, blessing, christian, encouraging, god, poetry, writing,
Form: Free verse
Enlightenment On the Wane

A cosmic gulf of enormity besets thee,
as intellectual relevancy re-entry
splash down in a vast sea of ignorance

The empirical wherewithal to muse observe, 
with keen, hydrogen-based acuity,
is nary an airy given oxygen insurance

Doth not the face...

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Categories: symbolism, truth, visionary, wisdom,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Promise of God's Victory
With God's promise of victory* for His glory
Sealed by His granted salvation through Christ's blood at Calvary…
My soul can win over self-pity’s misery.

With God's promise of victory in exalting His name
Prioritizing Him, denying worldly fame…

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Categories: blessing, christian, devotion, faith, god, jesus, spiritual,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member HIKU the form - DEFINED
HAIKU is the ' phonetical&cultural original 'in Japanese'& in reality uses '17 'onji' (sound symbols)rather than syllables ,&traditionally written in Japanese as a single line


HIKU is the English language tristich (three line) version(including translations)with similar...

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Categories: tristich, imagery, poetry,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member A Lull-
In a lull, I’m calm in placed in a sleep;
With soothing sounds and movements, that peeks;
"The rhythm of the soothe quiet hush, what a rush”;

Lullaby pauses, that cessation, of my respite hiatus;
In a lull In...

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Categories: analogy, how i feel, sleep, surreal,
Form: Tristich
My Pains

Amarachi and Valentine
Death did more than silence you two I must say
What is it that thou did that another have to pay?
Now, you both aren't here and have nothing to say
You begeted a lone...

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Categories: absence,
Form: tristich
Love Or Loneliness
(A Piece in Triplet Addressed to Dr Monir Táhá)*

Yes, we’re mountains, all together yet alone,
From foot to crown of rock and with hearts of stone.
Unmoved by all, moving none, we’re on our own.

To this song...

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© A. Hemmati  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: vanity,
Form: Tristich

Book: Shattered Sighs