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Long Kwon Poems

Long Kwon Poems. Below are the most popular long Kwon by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Kwon poems by poem length and keyword.

Half a Dozen Plus Years Ago the Following Became a Near Reality
Half a dozen plus years ago the following became a near reality

Countdown to homelessness – 
mars this earthlinked sole Harris - son
panhandler would would register 
pyrrhic victory won.

Found me linkedin at the end of...

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Categories: kwon, age, america, anger, angst, anniversary, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Northern Territory Bores
There is a large cattle property in the Northern Territory of Australia
   where the bores are named after Famous cricketers and that prompted 
    this piece.


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© Les Pick  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: kwon, sports, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Sounds of Music
Sounds of music
are here, there, everywhere!
in this, in that, in that!
They give rhythm to everything around us;
be it the crack of dawn,
fiery sunny days, 
or mellow  twilights.

I hear the sounds of music
when the cock...

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Categories: kwon, music, music, prayer, music,
Form: Narrative
Deadly Feet of Tae Kwon Do
He was in none of my classes
In the 1980's
And I saw him only on test days
Where one had to perform his "kata"
And fight in the ring
For the Sensai to do his thing

At these graduation tests

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© Tom Bell  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: kwon, adventure, funny, people, graduation,
Form: Bio
Karate Terror
Tae Kwon Do Promotion tests,
And several schools did meet
To take our tests for promotion,
When I first met killer feet

We all sat on the Do-Jo floor'
Awaiting each our turn,
But there was one karate warrior
His feet could...

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Categories: kwon, adventure, natural disasters, people, satire, sports, power,
Form: Bio

Seventeen drunken munckins
At my door,
Scotch in hand, other out for more...
I tried to divert them, and tossed out
My Dunken Munchkins
But got hit with an empty bottle,
That was the first munckin I did throttle.
Two 'lil drunken...

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© Tom Bell  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: kwon, adventure, fantasy, satire, me,
Form: Burlesque
Faith Move's Mountain
Falling does not mean you failed
Accept failure and do wonders out of it
Innovation is enhance by failure
Time spent idling gives way to failure 
Heed the adage“no pain no gain”

Mental strength is a key to unlock...

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Categories: kwon, courage, faith,
Form: Acrostic
The wind is flowing.
The wind flows like a ball.
Let's call it a festival today.
In my hands or in a safe like a pocket
Silver medals must be replaced with gold medals.
Moment to turn the gold medal...

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Categories: kwon, absence, cinderella,
Form: Choka
My Son's Day
Never was I so proud of him
as I was upon that day
when he stood up on his own
and drove the competitors away.
It showed, the work paid off
and his efforts not in vain.
My son had proven...

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Categories: kwon, family, inspirational, life, son, work, work,
Form: Quatrain
Bored at school
I decided to play the fool
By doing a little dancing for my friends.
A mixture of ballet 
taught by my sister Sally
and a little bit of tae kwon do.
My teacher walked in 
and with...

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Categories: kwon, dance,
Form: Verse
A baby is a vessel
And each caretaker proceeds
To slowly fill him up with what
That person thinks he needs.

So while some will teach him numbers,
Colors and the ABC’s,
Others may tap into music
Or identifying trees.

There’ll be teachers...

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Categories: kwon, life,
Form: Rhyme
The Ballad of Rithee Rithwando
Oh, I'm Rithee Rithwando
And I live in a condo
On a beach called Redondo
With a girl who's bleach blondo.

And we practice Tae Kwon Do
As we're singing in Rondo
With Don Hector Elizondo
Whom we're very, very fondo.

And he...

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Categories: kwon, beach, best friend, betrayal, celebrity, friendship, prison,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Sexy Sexy
     LIKES TO...

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Categories: kwon, character, confidence, culture, freedom, inspiration, sexy, tribute,
Form: Free verse
A belt keeps pants from falling down
Or gives the loops employment.
A song that’s belted out may give
The audience enjoyment.

A belt of Scotch may calm the nerves
But there is no denyin’
The brightest belt is in the...

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Categories: kwon, word play,
Form: Rhyme
A Poetess On Poetry Soup
She has an empathic touch,
And she’s from Camden, Maine.
She’s traveled the U.S. and Europe,
For new techniques and methods to gain.

She gives Thai and Chinese massage,
And also has a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts.
Achieving Master level in...

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Categories: kwon, dedication
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things