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Long Begetter Poems

Long Begetter Poems. Below are the most popular long Begetter by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Begetter poems by poem length and keyword.

The Treatise of the Illustrious Sage On Response and Retribution
Canto I: The Words of Laozi  

The Divinely Illustrious Sage  
Prays for every soul to heed:
That neither woe nor weal
Heaven has foreordained,
But wrought by men alone,
The fruits of virtue and vice
Pursue the begetter...

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Categories: begetter, blessing, heaven, humanity, judgement, religion, religious, wisdom,
Form: Epic

Premium Member To the Authors of Manimekalai - Part One
Part One

“Apart from its popular conception of transmigration, (which is) sometimes almost humouristic, Manimekhalai offers a documentary contribution of immense value, under an easily accessible form, on the philosophical speculations of Ancient India.
The cosmology of...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: begetter, on writing and words, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Gossip Midnight
A beep!! Message inbox queued
Bring around his sleepy-eyes 
The night prowler came alive.
Last night’s morning sayonara smack
Later left with unrequited calls.

Message through network by amorist, said,
‘Hoped if u were here beside,
I wud have rest my...

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Categories: begetter, art, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, love, passionnight, music,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Maquillage Civilization
Maquillage Civilization

Come ! Quick ! Quick ! 
              Cover up the tracks !
That lead to my doom
Even the lynx watches blear-eyed the...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: begetter, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hiro Father--
Hero hiro father I admired;
Always employing/employed
Not a LAZY bone;
faTHer always working
Always working, devoted;
Male parent, begetter, patriarch;
Biological father dad, daddy;
Always employing/employed
Not a LAZY bone;
faTHer always working
Always working, devoted;
Co-nurturer, father
very, very strong work effects, never took vacations

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Categories: begetter, caregiving, confidence, dedication, devotion, engagement, father, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member O' Father God I'M You--I Am In You--
Father I’ve been a long way from home;
Daddy I’ve finally know where I’d belong;
In you
I do
Belong within the view of you
Your very essence subdue
I’m you

The very reason I...

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Categories: begetter, analogy, birth, confidence, destiny, engagement, god, humanity,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Villanelle: Bequeath Not An Image Which Isn'T Wholly Your Own
Villanelle :  Bequeath not an image which is not wholly your own

Bequeath not an image which is not wholly your own
No not all the tasters of Isphaha can patch it back whole
Living did you...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: begetter, creation, poetry, poets,
Form: Villanelle
Sons of Beelzebub
Call forth the war
Call forth a cunning shroud of aptitude
Bring down the damnation
Extinguishing the virtuous spender
Thy father of darkness, brightness
Let me call forth the dawn of a new era
Bringing down satire upon the blaspheme
Draining their...

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Categories: begetter, evil, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Unity In Origin Variety In Expression
Unity in Origin Variety in Expression 

Under the sky I live
Over the grass I walk
Free air I breathe 
Natural water I drink
Nature in me I am in Nature.
At death I get mixed with earth or...

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Categories: begetter, nature,
Form: Verse
Motherly Love
Tik tok goes the clock
With each set of time
Her energetic vibrant being
turns frail
She who i'll never call by her name

In retrospect,she raged
Against this decadent diabolical world
She raged to give her bairns the best  of...

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Categories: begetter, age, celebration, dedication, first love, love, mother,
Form: Free verse
How Desperate Is Desperate
Sorrow tumbled into words, an antidote
When sobs choked; venom in the throat.
I hear in wrath, again, his disgusting gloat.
Follows, her muffled groans upon each smote. 
In a while, she whimpers in an awesome note. 

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Categories: begetter, abuse, angst, betrayal, relationship, sorrow,
Form: Monorhyme
I Accuse
I accuse..... Part 2

My parents who instructed me,and to the letter follow
Kneel only to God,to people never my head bow
I was next line to promotion yet rebuffed to kowtow
Long stagnated and ached my way to...

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Categories: begetter, abuse, change,
Form: Rhyme
A Ruthful Threnody
For fiercest queens, the finest pedigree,
Begetter and bestower of all lauds;
For foulest plagues, the fairest remedy,
Despoiler and destroyer of all frauds.
Revered for rectitude, renowned for laurels,
You helped reform the world to honest fame;
Reviled as sinister,...

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Categories: begetter, truth,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Marzipan
Honey ... you
     Sweet on my tongue
          Licorice and almond eyes

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Categories: begetter, love, metaphor, passion, sensual,
Form: Rhyme
This is what I am enjoined to be:
Hyphenated !
Bound to vacillate between self-aggrandizement and self-annihilation
I straddle two unrecognizable worlds
only to find solace in none
I am the begetter of my malaise
all made of ungraspable memories and...

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© Lama Atoui  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: begetter, analogy, anger, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Vicious Rhythm
The lump in my throat compelled me to believe.

that once there was a time of festiveness,

which has now turned into a vicious rhythm.

The unrealized desires are reduced to tears, 

where the laughter of childhood turned...

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Categories: begetter, anxiety, childhood, children, fate, introspection, parents, sad,
Form: Free verse
Broken Wing
My Archangel name is Angelo
though I'm not fallen
my favorite color is Indigo
rumors spread and fall in

I was born with a fragmented clavicle
to stop me from flying
so I stay on the earth to be affable
full speed...

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Categories: begetter, bible, history, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things