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Lola Poems - Poems about Lola

Lola Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lola to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lola.
The voice of Lola
I heard a whisper that once said When you are dead In another realm When you ascend If a sudden stranger comes up to you and says Thanks for looking after me When we both lived And...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
I sat beneath the table made of glass where I often injured myself from, My choclate aphabet in the boal I ate quicker then someone who hits on a drum, My dad who makes me...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, 2nd grade,
Form: Free verse

The warmth of the fire Toasted her toes and filled her heart. Dark but for flames No wasted light, no need. Allowing the embers to die She curled up tighter In her sleep. Waking as the chill descended As...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, animal,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

To Lola
It was said that live your life in every form of hope nothing is clearly fiend or dead or even strange the world is still full of north and south a good news of a kind is good indeed let the snow and...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Charlie and Lola
Charlie Likes listening to music by Bob Marley. He has scheduled time that mustn't delay His passionate phase with Reggae! Lola Is fascinated with panels - Solar. Science is full of projects that (for her) are fun. And she has a smile...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, character,
Form: Clerihew

Premium Member Whatever Lola Wants
Born on a spring cyclone from Kansas' stormy rain, awoken now in low growl, slowly reversing., down a low ramp, like a movie star rehearsing, at new shore in sunshine with an exotic name. Just like a kid in...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, allusion, angst, beauty, car,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Lola likes to lick lots of lollies. Lots of Lollies Lola likes to lick. What kind of lollies does Lola like to lick? Lola likes to lick lemon lollies. Lemon lollies are what Lola likes to...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, children, fun, giggle, girl,
Form: Alliteration
I take out the old-fashioned dress in my mother’s closet. It’s a rose-colored fabric that you liked from your 50’s pageant. And its floral scent underneath reminded me about you for a reason. I got mad each time...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Lola Beans
4 little paws, how fast they grow. Loyalty and love, she always shows. God's greatest gift, for us to share. She's thick and wide, with short black hair. She will eat her toys, your shoes beware. I love how she...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, animal, appreciation, best friend,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lola the Polar Bear
Lola lived in the polar regions A place very cold Lola wished that she didn't Now she was getting old She was fed up with the same weather At all times Her thermometer was out of whack She longed for warmer climes This...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lola
They got her in a pound some ten years ago A pup German Sheppard Who was the color of cola C.O.L.A. ~ cola She barked at them and she wagged her tail As if to...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, dog,
Form: Rhyme
Lola Rae
I work every day for Lola Rae A lady whose mind must have its say, ...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member City Walk
City Walk (or Lola) A city walk. Springtime and a scarf bundled about the Adam’s apple. A wedge of lemon. That sucked. A triangle of mandarin. Or two. Now five A city walk. A pitty. The dog wouldn’t calm. Orange peel tossed...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, dog, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
To Lola:
Subtle sweetness barricaded in A hardened cocoon of beauty Nurtured by factors and forces Unknown and unseen Sealed up in self-defense Insured against a torment known Only by Cupid’s prisoners. Maybe in time I’ll brave the Ordeal and seek out the Love...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, angel,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Lola Stanley 1913-1918
Lola Stanley 1913-1918 This side of the veil, No living human has ever seen, No mere mortal has ever beheld, The diamond stutted rainbow face, Of the One, Iam With streams of flame, Flowing from the Axis, His all-seeing eyes, Can be felt like...Read the rest...
Categories: lola, heaven,
Form: Epitaph

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