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Log Poems - Poems about Log

Log Poems - Examples of all types of poems about log to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for log.
Log Cabin
Log Cabin Ready for cooler weather? Drive south down here. Find a cabin to rent. A place to fish. Surrounded by tall trees. The place to be free. There's nothing like it. Log Cabins in the wilderness. Away from home. A new place to go. Pack...Read the rest...
Categories: log, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Log Cabin of Long Ago
In a log cabin out in the Wild West Many tumultuous years ago A family cuddled and found sweet rest By their potbellied wood-burning stove A tall candle burned bright in the window The harsh, cold wind beat upon the...Read the rest...
Categories: log, family, home, hope, parents,
Form: Rhyme

Ant on a Log
Once there was a log Floating downstream On a swift-flowing river Towards a sawmill. And, on that log, Perched on a loose patch of bark, Behind a broken limb, There was an ant. The ant didn’t know about the sawmill. He did not hear...Read the rest...
Categories: log, animal, perspective, symbolism,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Leura Log Cabin
[Part 1 - Day 1] Oh what my wearying world has wrought... Mind and soul and body aged - broken before my time. How many burdens can I carry? Crosses can I bear? The decade passed drew like a...Read the rest...
Categories: log, anxiety, care, family, holiday,
Form: Free verse
My Cabin
The mountains rise like white haired ancient gods. The wolves howl their age old forgotten runes. In the blue sky birds perform their glissades As they fill the air with their joyful tunes. There are desolate, untrodden valleys, Where the...Read the rest...
Categories: log, allegory, destiny, faith, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member log in code
entry code was shh pronounced shhh... so i sewed my idea back-up... and maybe later i can... rewrite some... idea of... a why... such a notion be... worth writing about when who... did what when or where or not at all so that i'm done... stan sand ...Read the rest...
Categories: log, adventure, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Don't Croak
There once was a cocky male frog Who met a cute toad on a log She thought he said “Ribbit” In fact, he said “Rub it” Now he’s belly-up in the bog. ...Read the rest...
Categories: log, fun, humor, lust, nature,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Life is one big Lincoln Log
Looking out for a reputation in vogue Very sanctimonious Well you're the queen of making it obvious She'll walk away hastily with her head down But it's never long enough to pull out her phone, and...Read the rest...
Categories: log, character, emo, gothic, perspective,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On a Decaying Log
in the midst of death- lichens come to life...Read the rest...
Categories: log, nature,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member The Yellow Log
On seeing the painting of Edvard Munch Of the woodland stretching endless One would feel, one has entered a sanctuary, Where stillness prevails and coolness overpowers There is no sound except the sound of rustling leaves. Tall trees touching Heaven’s...Read the rest...
Categories: log, appreciation, art, rainforest, tree,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Yes, Life Crumbled At His Feet Like Decay On An Old Log
Yes, Life Crumbled At His Feet Like Decay On An Old Log Yes, life crumbled at his feet like decay on an old log that morn was abjectly eerie had a low moving fog and in the distance...Read the rest...
Categories: log, age, deep, humanity, meaningful,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Log In
Come, my fellow humans, Let us all Log In to the World Peace Program, For to: Obliterate war Eliminate hunger Enthrone justice, and Establish universal brotherhood! Password? DIVINE LOVE! © Demetrios Trifiatis 18 April 2023...Read the rest...
Categories: log, humanity, love, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sailboat Log
Wind is blowing pretty hard. See why the hand holds Will lift you and slam you. Sometimes the boat leaves the water completely. Your raceing around the deck trying not to be swept overboard. You...Read the rest...
Categories: log, slam,
Form: Free verse
Login and Logout
LOGIN, When he says," LOGIN," She can  ask " WHERE ?,                              WHERE ABOUT ?" He  can be meaning "SING IN HIS HEART" And  the password  is " TRUE LOVE" He loves you so much, Once you...Read the rest...
Categories: log, africa, death, i love
Form: List
Premium Member Happy Solstice
Burn the Yule Log for the return of the sun! Source of enlightenment and wisdom. Celebrate the Sol Invictus! Count the sparks if you wish. Happy Solstice!...Read the rest...
Categories: log, celebration, fire, god, holiday,
Form: Free verse

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