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League Poems - Poems about League

League Poems - Examples of all types of poems about league to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for league.
As the ceremony started A young  girl recited, " Receive my best greetings... Welcome our dear delegates from bajhoba Kingdoms. I am Ziyanda...Read the rest...
Categories: league, africa, celebration, culture, encouraging,
Form: Free verse
Play Ball
At the ballgame a man with his hair in a bun, Was watching the children, and his wee, tiny son, Who came up to bat with the game on the line, He looked to his coach, who gave...Read the rest...
Categories: league, baseball, boy, children, games,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Trapped in the Ivy League
Kathy Boudin thought the U.S. beyond repair, She thought she saw the deep reality, and it was unfair. From SDS to the Weather Underground, She dived deep in Marxism, plain sense no longer found. A bomb went off, unintended,...Read the rest...
Categories: league, america, culture, freedom,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Grand Puuuuba of the Wizards League
Grand Puuuuba of the Wizards League With his ebony cape, often did intrigue He wore a charm that brought in good Strange the cat was stiff like wood He arched his back and felines sighed Cross eyes for sure! A...Read the rest...
Categories: league, cat,
Form: Rhyme
The Ivy League
Covered deep in Poison Ivy A rash that spreads and burns Its toxic mass left festering With younger minds to churn What used to be a noble cause Malingers in disease Whose vines grow wild to trap the dark … That once were climbed —to free (The New Room: December,...Read the rest...
Categories: league, dark, education,
Form: Rhyme

College-League Baseball Sonnet
Small stadium built in the late forties, minor-league once, but has been left behind, built with girders and backless, wooden seats, a local relic of an older time. The players look so young, barely can shave, the pitching is rough...Read the rest...
Categories: league, america, appreciation, baseball, imagery,
Form: Sonnet
Oh Ye That Cheerest
The patrons in the glory with such nobel esteem gather as one to form a great noble team the make rules ofr the sports the structures of the games the dived to be officated in these nobel bouts The New Borough's one team call's it...Read the rest...
Categories: league, business, music, repetition, sports,
Form: Ballade
Bisgattii Mussu
class act one hard to follow more intriguing then ah-bore he thinks of all involved when he performs seen and unseen his works are a class act a showcase of talent and sheer ability it wouldn't suprise me if millions of people would support his effords...Read the rest...
Categories: league, leadership, music, repetition, sound,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member A League of His Own
A drowsiness that borders on fatigue: some say I’m spending too much time at sea. My boat’s a rail and seat and little more; nineteen inch stick and web strap for an oar. Engaging workout always buoy me; I might...Read the rest...
Categories: league, encouraging, health,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Legend of Nolan Ryan Major League Baseballs Strike Out King
It's not easy becoming a Legendary Major League Baseball pitcher. It never was and will never be. You get put through the wringer and hung out to dry. From time to time you'll get little or no run support. You...Read the rest...
Categories: league, baseball, character, culture, identity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Junior League Versus Army Fatigue
Junior league Army fatique Build a store Go to war Make a collection Get an infection Put on airs In cross hairs Safe and sound Boots on the ground Price some clothes Urine glows Comfort zone Combat zone Get a bank loan Airplane flown Junior League Army fatigue Build a store Go to war...Read the rest...
Categories: league, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member 1st African American In the Major League Baseball -Moses Fleetwood Walker
Moses Fleetwood Him and his brother first African American To play in Major League Baseball Rejected by the white citizens and players Wanted to play continual for the Majors Left and played for the minor leagues Opened later an Opera...Read the rest...
Categories: league, analogy, appreciation, baseball, black
Form: Bio
Premium Member Out of My League
Creative, intelligent, some would say wise. Beautiful with a personality twice her size. She’d never give me a second look, I’d just as soon sit here and read my book. Maybe she loves sports, that would be a surprise....Read the rest...
Categories: league, beautiful, crush, dream, relationship,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member An Ivy League School
Peter went to an Ivy League school Now he writes on walls in latin so cool Pete gets an A+ Not causing no fuss No fuss no cussing just writing jewels...Read the rest...
Categories: league, fun,
Form: Limerick
Super League
Clandestine meetings behind closed doors A Super League discussed Not for the love of the game Or even consultation taking the supporters or fan's or even the actual player's views into consideration As to the foreign overseas owners what to them they...Read the rest...
Categories: league, anger,
Form: Free verse

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