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January Poems | Examples of January Poetry

January Poems - Examples of all types of january poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for january.
The beauty of Winter
I always long for winter, Cold but not the rain. And enjoy the fluffy white, Covering the road and lane. the icy woods would sparkle, In the hazy light of sun. Greyish the skies shall be, After the storms have...Read the rest...
Categories: beauty, february, january, rain,
Form: Rhyme

Parable paired in a pairing unit, you knead--- A Translation of Nirmalendu Goon
You and your pliant touch lit me up, there my diva, morn. After the shower, your wet hair and your braid, in trying untangling Humble effort, down to earth I rush to thee, my open palm , water...Read the rest...
Categories: absence, january,
Form: Free verse
10 PM
You make me feel so… I just can’t find the words to express. My poetic ingenuity, fails me thus. Maybe I should just try my hand at painting. Let’s see… You make me feel Red. Yes. A splash of boldness, stains the...Read the rest...
Categories: january, care, confusion, desire, feelings,
Form: Shape
Pull it out
I stood on the bed, staring on the wardrobe my dad once bought from caring Ms. Kelly, who let it down the street with a large sope. Everything seemed the same. Thing leaked lame. Sudden rush words have...Read the rest...
Categories: january,
Form: I do not know?
Brothas and Cold Weather Don't Mix
You don't always hear me complain. I love the warm sun, the summer rain: The springtime flowers and the autumn leaves; But when winter arrives, unfortunately I start to freeze. I like it when the temperature is 40 degrees, And...Read the rest...
Categories: february, january, snow, winter,
Form: Free verse

If January Was a Person
If January was a person, they would be a force of nature. Relentless and unforgiving, but also, beautiful and full of life. January would be the type of person who would wake you up at 5 am with a cup of...Read the rest...
Categories: friend, fun, january, life,
Form: Personification
J is for joy, the feeling of a new year A is for adventure, the promise of the unknown N is for nature, the beauty of winter U is for unity, the bond of family and friends A is...Read the rest...
Categories: beauty, imagery, january, nature,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member January's end
little bit light is a little bit of more life ~January's end...Read the rest...
Categories: january, blessing, color, creation, feelings,
Form: Monoku
the 26 divide
And once again this fire of divide has reignited Un-nerving the majority who just want to be So here we stand, but now Time has come to leave the past in the past and the Reality is we should...Read the rest...
Categories: january,
Form: Acrostic
let's not forget the tragedies
the great debate is once again upon us let the augments begin the pro and cons list is drawn up so let’s argue on who is wrong and who...Read the rest...
Categories: january, patriotic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member No Welcome Needed
No Welcome Needed I DO NOT need a ‘Welcome’ to the land where I was born, This country called Australia I proudly call my own. I’ll THANK my great, great, grandpa who sailed across the sea, Then settled here and built his...Read the rest...
Categories: celebration, january,
Form: Rhyme
New year's echoes
Bidding adieu to a year now past, Cherishing new dreams and hopes cast . From memories, you gently fade, In echoes, where you've stayed. Resolutions anew, with a fresh start, Rekindling the spirit...Read the rest...
Categories: celebration, happiness, introspection, january,
Form: Rhyme
Haunted, ITQ
Tree boughs scope me by window glass, As the long night without stars pass The moon out like dead rock— the last Time dark mornings will be so vast. Around my boughs, raining's ghost wane, Falling by frost...Read the rest...
Categories: angst, dark, introspection, january,
Form: Quatorzain
Delightful Kites
Have you ever thought of flying a kite? A crazy dancing hueful delight. You don't just need a bridle and a spool, But an impeccable foresight as a rule. Pick up a kite that is sturdy and correct size, Then...Read the rest...
Categories: beauty, january, strength,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member January
Bone-chilling cold for a week Sun won't play hide-and-seek Life sure is bleak...Read the rest...
Categories: january, sun, weather,
Form: Monorhyme

Specific Types of January Poems

Definition | What is January in Poetry?

Poems Related to January

new year, winter, annuary, annual,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things