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Imperfect Poems - Poems about Imperfect

Imperfect Poems - Examples of all types of poems about imperfect to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for imperfect.
I Am Imperfect
I am imperfect I think that it’s impossible to be anything but, and yet I long to be humanity’s one spectacular exception I wish that my subconscious would listen to reason… it tells me I am deceptive I feel that...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, 9th grade, anxiety, i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Imperfect Morning
Imperfection abounds, the evidence is everywhere, misshapen leaves and tree trunks hunched over and almost touching the ground mark the morning - a dog chasing a ball along the beach has a bent tail, the owner a limp. Across...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, art, beauty, love, nature,
Form: Free verse

Imperfect Circumstances
Sometimes, imperfect Circumstances lead you to Ending in perfect....Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, inspiration, life, motivation,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Perfection? In an imperfect world?
Lost myself looking around for the quality people love, Perfection, it is called harder to find the Blue eyes ground dove. Standing here,feeling lost seems like there is nothing I could do, After all, it is I,...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, anxiety, deep, growing up,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imperfect I Am, but I love a Perfect King
Though I long to be perfect, So that God will see… How much I love and respect, When I fall on my knee. Though my heart is frail, And my failures so very real, I know a God who isn’t for...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, appreciation, christian, forgiveness, hope,
Form: Rhyme

Imperfect Wife
My wife's not perfect I still chose to love her She's God gift to me....Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, love, perspective, relationship, wife,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member An Imperfect Union
Where to now, uncharted waters, Two men vying, two men scheming, Biden gloating, Trump now reeling, Storm clouds gathering, eyes aloft. So much anger, consternation, A million words spewed every day, Talking heads intent to sway, Incessant noise drowning our senses. Gone all...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, angst, hope, november, political,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imperfect
Close your eyes And stay very still You will never again bend To someone else’s will Your value is much greater than that tag you wear You need to see yourself As more than that rip or tear We can mend...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, beauty, care, image,
Form: Rhyme
Imperfect Perfection
You were made perfect in his eyes so see the beauty in your flaws The source of your power is inside so go within so you can draw You're a work of art & you evolve when you...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, inspiration, introspection, motivation, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imperfect Perfection OCD -SHM
In pursuit of imperfect perfection, she slowly turned every lucky star blind, drowning in constant chores from obsession, unable to appease her stormy mind. Promises ascend against perception, nothing halts fixed rituals from spinning, as turmoils of time twirl...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, mental health,
Form: Sonnet
IM PERFECT dont reject what you select why not spill your tea and get on your knees, pay that fee for this is a decree. The Screen shows my preen I don't look too keen I don't know...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, addiction, allegory, angel, atheist,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Imperfect
Imperfect she isn't, in her white lace dress, Her short curly blond hair in such a mess. Benevolence, four-years-old, three feet tall, Such a precocious pearl, her finger so small. She walks in with elegant...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, child, flower,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dust
We are poor creatures slimy organs imprisoned in flesh. The sun burns us, water drowns us our lives are rough and short, we’re little more than talking dust. We all howl with angry doubts. Our art may dry and chip our science...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, analogy, encouraging, future, humor,
Form: Free verse
Imperfect Strangers
So full of love and life, But it's quickly extinguished by fear and deception; So close to what I am after, but I keep heading in the wrong directions; I am constantly in motion...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, mental illness,
Form: Free verse
Future Imperfect
Good morrow merry citizens Here’s another Brexit gain We may have our country back But we can’t go live in Spain. Record numbers now Are all giving thanks For the almost empty Essential food banks. The poor are getting poorer The rich getting richer In...Read the rest...
Categories: imperfect, anger, irony, political, poverty,
Form: Rhyme

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