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Funny Hyperbole Poems

These Funny Hyperbole poems are examples of Hyperbole poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Hyperbole Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member The Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling

“Woe there sister, where do you think you're going?
 Turn around, go back, stop, cease, desist!
 Nothing for you above my see-through barrier....

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Categories: culture, funny, gender, hyperbole,

True Love Calls
The mourning dove’s perch coo signals he’s alone:
Calling to another as a life-long mate,
searching to find a love he can call his own
and form a...

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Categories: funny love, hyperbole, lost

Premium Member Why I Didn'T Join the Circus
I used to wonder
If you remained 
Completely comfortable
Would you ever wake from sleep
It brings to mind the value
Of slight discomfort
Causing you to wake
And live your...

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Categories: hyperbole,

Premium Member Crimson Clarity
Funny, it is how witnessing the root form of greed
Can cause an otherwise healthy vision to bleed
Humorous is a poorly conceived disguise
So much so that...

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Categories: deep, extended metaphor, hyperbole,

Premium Member A Kiss On the Forehead
A kiss on the forehead
Is a gesture of betrayal
It's not a kiss of love
Filled with joy and humor.

It would be better to kiss a dog

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Categories: hyperbole, bullying, environment, fantasy, funny,

Premium Member What I Found In My Refrigerator
A Ziplock bag of cut-up hot dogs, treats for my daughter's Huskies
Two gallon jugs of 1% milk, both nearly empty
Three bottles of dressing, ranch from...

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Categories: hyperbole, food, funny, humor, humorous,

Premium Member Invitation
I was outraged at the affront.

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Categories: funny, humor, hyperbole, insect,

Beastly Betty
Beastly Betty badly breaks her brother’s
Buttocks with a bat upon his butt.
Broken, beaten brother barely bothers
Bellowing at bawdy Betty. But

Because bad blood between both babe...

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Categories: hyperbole, anger, brother, conflict, funny,

Wordsworth's Lament
I wandered lonely as a cloud—Oh dear!
I watched the dance of daffodils—Oh my!
When on my couch in vacant mood I lie
And feel their wealthy fluttering...

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Categories: funny, humor, hyperbole, parody,

There For Me
Looking back, one thing comes clean-glass clear
you were always there for me subduing every fear.

I tried to do my duty, be a husband strong and...

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Categories: hyperbole, 12th grade, character, hope,

???? ???? ??, ??? ??? ??,
???? ???? ???? ??, ??? ???? ??? ??,
?? ??? ???? ?? ??, ???? ????? ???? ??,
???? ???? ??, ??? ???...

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Categories: hyperbole, angst, assonance, dedication, funny

Yesterday's Panic
So they told us to all lock down,
and stay inside for months on end.
They savaged the economy,
I guess that it was all pretend

since now thousands...

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Categories: hyperbole, anger, evil, how i

Premium Member Chicago Weather
Our Summer's too hot; our Winter's too cold
Our Spring is too rainy; Autumn's withheld 
Just hear me complain -- I'm sure sounding old

Our Summers are...

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Categories: city, hyperbole, weather,

A Former Slender Man Deplores Weight Gain
I loathe shucking clothes,
(no matter eyes severely myopic)
in preparation for here goes
another warm shower quickly
relaxing this senescent
body ready to doze

soon after lathering
this blubbery body
most unwanted...

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Categories: hyperbole, age, beauty, clothes, funny,

The Perfect Omelet
The Perfect Omelet  

I think I'd like an omelet
so please find me a giant pot,
a half a dozen fresh kumquat
and don't forget the cheese.


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Categories: hyperbole, children, fantasy, food, funny,

Book: Shattered Sighs