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Hoop Poems - Poems about Hoop

Hoop Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hoop to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hoop.
Hoop and A Happy Child
A little child once hopped round a hoop. The child tried it once and it felt like the best thing. The child went back everyday hopping around the hoop with smiles and no care in the world. Everything...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, art, growth, life, write,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member More about the hula hoop I suppose
I've just hula'd for the entirety of Creep by Radiohead I believe if I can hula through more songs from the 1990s I will turn back time Not in a Cher way Maybe in a faraway silhouette way And...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, image,
Form: Free verse

The last hula hoop
Let me have the last look at you before you do the final “hula hoop.” Let me have the final look at you before try on your new shoes. Some sizes just don't fit; you have...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, appreciation, best friend, creation,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Ain'T No Hoop and Stick
Whenever the grandchildren visit us you can see how they turn their heads and cringe If we should start talking about the games that we were forced to play with way back when They roll their eyes at each...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Three Point Shot
Three Point Shot You reach the line, an almost perfect semicircle, Racing from one side of the court to the other, avoiding the hoop In a soft wide arc, Your shoes biting into the floor, As you come to...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, basketball, devotion, passion, sports,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Otherwise Shaped Hoop
In the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, a Norwegian was patented for his design. His name was John Vaaler, and we've great reliance on his smart invention, a household appliance. This smart little gizmo is made up of wire, but...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, history,
Form: Didactic
Hula Hoop and Chicken Coop
Hula Hoop and Chicken Coop had a hula hoop we were thrown for a big loop cruddy chicken coup...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, allegory, analogy,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member The Hulu Hoop Fiasco
There was a gal known for the Hula hoop Until one day, she fell in some dog poop ...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, humor,
Form: Limerick
Rainbows Hula Hoop
red ants parade forth dew dances on trembling twigs~ rainbows hula hoop August 17, 2020 Haiku - Nature Themed 2 Poetry Contest Sponsor: Tania Kitchin ~Winner: 2nd Place...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, morning, nature, rain, rainbow,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Cock-A-Hoop
Burst of brandished flaming arrow, Thump of bunnies against my chest, Cupid’s straight pointer did narrow, Continue my family crest. Squawking souls of birds in my nest, Potent from moonstruck bolero, Crescendo of lust’s citrus zest — Cock-a-hoop’s sunstruck sombrero. 1/18/2020 Charles Messina’s Oh-No...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, humor, imagery, metaphor,
Form: Lay
Premium Member Displaced Ballers Hoop Drops-
Honor truth Settles the heart Displaced young They do start Basket ballers hoops Drops the love parts aMERICA cuts the net Ballers shoots the ball Broken leg blurry eyes Once again shoots a shoot Drops the ball in game and love Loses the game moves on 10/9/19 written...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, allusion, analogy, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Hula Hoop
The Hula Hoop Capitalizing on any given situation borderS, On acquisitiveness or generositY, Where both parties wanT More bang for theiR Buck, therebY CertifyinG CloseR AnD H A L C Y O N TieS WherebY EstablishinG A permanent unioN pilot fish eats large sharks parasites clean so the sharks do not eat them ***The above CONCRETE form...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, analogy, confidence, fun, games,
Form: Concrete
Trump Had a Hula Hoop
Trump Had A Hulahoop About Trump have heard the latest scope; Had one heck of a time with a hula hoop; Hard of hearing; Twilight is nearing; Long ties he languished did dip into soup. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Hula Hoop Poetry Double Haiku
A circumference A point A circle A hula hoop A girl A poetry....Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, girl, poetry,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Soup Troop Scoop, I'M Cock a Hoop
When I write a blog on the Soup They are rarely read by it's troop Likes the ones posted today So many have said there say If they were mine I'd...Read the rest...
Categories: hoop, funny
Form: Limerick

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