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Hikes Poems - Poems about Hikes

Hikes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hikes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hikes.
Premium Member The Price of Power:The World on the Brink
...The Price of Power: A World on the Brink We are now at the mercy of a leader whose decisions, whether through inaction or impulsive action, feel like the whims of a child. As I navigate my own p......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, 4th grade, abortion, absence,
Form: Free verse
Nature Born from a Womb
...It’s the same everyday The same wind, the same lush The same whisper, the same tale Yet, in the mist that blows Through the sunlit meadows I hear the same voice Echoed different Each time. ......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, autumn, child, creation, humanity,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Person I Want To Be
... "I am my father's daughter and I am not afraid of anything." Quote by - Queen Elizabeth I I want to be the person my father was, ......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, father, how i feel,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

... Today we observed the sunrise in New England and once again we were agog as we watched that bright orange dot finds it’s pathway through the fog. Next, we walked the Shore Path in Bar Harbor wh......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In The Shadow Of Sunlight
... "I am a dance of light and darkness, a galaxy . . . of shadows and stars. " Quote by _R. Queen In the shadow of sun......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, journey, life, nature,
Form: Haibun

Premium Member When I am old
...When I am old, I will watch the sea, Far from the waves, I will stand on fine sand, With a hat on my head to shield me from the sun And a glass of wine in my trembling hand. When I am old, I wi......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, emotions, faith, feelings, future,
Form: Free verse
My Uncle turns 70
...Seven decades and going strong swimming the currents of Life on song, with ease and elegance he swims gold medals in galore he wins, In Physics and Maths he is wired of its energy and speed, nev......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, birthday,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Robert Gorelick Doggy Limerick Circus II
...Charming and filled with humorous doggy characters, so unique I’m floored when I think of an aussidoodle, or a scotchi‘s fido physique Pages of dogs all breeds and places, RG’s fun reads,......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, art, books, celebration, dog,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Elegy to a promised land
...In the quiet twilight, we gather here today, To honor my dad, remember him, and pray. From the promised land, he flew with no regret, To the fifties U.S., a different mindset. In the old ......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, america, culture, dad, father,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member a hundred random thoughts life is a discombobulation of endless thoughts like food is NOT my friend exercise is my friend fasting MAY be a good idea eating takes up way too much time death is hanging over ......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
... A hero turns conspiratorially, staring into my future. What he said into the camera then, is meaningless now, but I see his lips move, as if he were predicting this moment. A heroine hike......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Love Letter
...Love Letter This is my love letter To a beautiful woman I hardly know I do know from observing Her interaction with others She is smart and compassionate She has chosen a profession Helpi......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Alphabet Game
...As we prepare to leave the mountains…I admit…I have no shame for I’ve also been preparing…to play the alphabet game. It’s a game we’ve played since our children were little… on our trips from th......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, family, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Summer At Last
...Upon the sand that adorns the shores, Sit the children who watch their kites soar, The sounds of glee loud as the sea, The shrills of pelicans as they flee Amidst the blazing sun, Sitting thr......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, 7th grade, beach, summer,
Form: Rhyme
Leading To
...He asks if its rude To postpone the last, Move it to next So he can go home. Honest, I tell him Yes it would But he can. He asks if I’m sure But decides to stay If only Cause I’d be w......Read the rest...
Categories: hikes, crush, emotions, for him,
Form: Free verse

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