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French Poems | Examples of French Poetry

French Poems - Examples of all types of french poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for french.
The Perfect Place
Paris was the perfect place To start these summer games, From the opening flotilla To the lighting of the flames. Instead of an arena, Athletes floated down the Seine, Waving flags and wearing smiles we’d see Again and yet again. There was spectacle...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, french,
Form: Rhyme

on'uh need tuh know
. her's paced back forth mine ...Read the rest...
Categories: corruption, extended metaphor, french,
Form: Bio
My Sunday’s fades into Mondays and the hours have come and gone and I can still feel the sensation rubbing against my cheeks but I could not tell what was going on. I look on...Read the rest...
Categories: french, best friend, business, caregiving,
Form: Prose
The South of France
She walked along the promenade Joined by her dog She was so awfully glad Here, there were the rollerblades And all the tourists out in cascades It was down on the beach Where they joined the tide And the...Read the rest...
Categories: french,
Form: Rhyme
the shadow of the tree in the morning's garden
The shadow of a tree has fallen on the morning garden. It moves with slow steps and leaves its trail of frost, as if it were telling the time as the day progresses. The grasses, freed from its embrace sing a...Read the rest...
Categories: bird, french, sun, weather,
Form: Free verse

ohhh bella
sinuate az the leaf yourn festoon with infinate twists ...Read the rest...
Categories: french, beautiful, blessing, extended metaphor,
Form: Pastoral
'cauze you were 1st
. your smile wuz so hard it looked like ...Read the rest...
Categories: allegory, celebration, french, love,
Form: Free verse
. hear that 'twuz the raw cotton 'bout mine sheath slid'n off slip'n on ...Read the rest...
Categories: beautiful, blessing, french, love,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member how France treated me
The most romantic city in the world the passenger next to me said Her girth had oozed into my seat too, for she was super corpulent I will fall in love, marry a rich Frenchman, live a...Read the rest...
Categories: french,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Golden Jubilee - May 4th
See us. Two hearts as one. Still laughing through the rains; Fifty-years growing together. Je t'aime. ...Read the rest...
Categories: french, love, wife,
Form: Cinquain
Premium Member now memory
a small cloud passed white against a dark blue sky curved, for eyes like mine, remembering eyes like yours. a small cloud igniting another heart to burn along its way that was my yesterday. ...Read the rest...
Categories: day, feelings, french, i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member colors of france
luna moth followed his favorite butterfly to Paris She said it was the only place to be in the spring they fit in well turquoise and green colors of France...Read the rest...
Categories: french,
Form: Free verse
to live in Plougastel
I don’t know if owning a beautiful home, Facing the sea, makes happy, There are people who do not manage their thoughts, And that makes them dangerous, There are people who are convinced That the Eiffel Tower is the center...Read the rest...
Categories: art, beautiful, french,
Form: Free verse
Time Lord
Wisdom gained from pain Lost tomorrow sentenced Shadows think me insane Tortured and blood soaked stains Detached from earth yet dependent Wisdom gained from pain Memory lies in the rain Star gazing got me contentment Shadows think me insane Free to play games Facing...Read the rest...
Categories: crazy, emotions, french, nonsense,
Form: Villanelle
La Muse Bouche
I say to le "grand fromage". You and your pastiche attachè. You with all your rakish, cliche. You think you're so Debonair. You with another au pair. You and one more rendezvous. You again it's déjà vu. You and another faux pas. You...Read the rest...
Categories: french, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme

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