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Endurance Poems | Examples of Endurance Poetry

Endurance Poems - Examples of all types of endurance poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for endurance.
LETTING LIFE BE NOT LIVED IN VAIN Know that the righteous life you’ve been living, Has not and could have never been lived in vain: You’ve trekked shadowed valleys of ole death; You’ve mastered many bridges of...Read the rest...
Categories: courage, desire, endurance, faith,
Form: Prose
AT THE CROSSROADS OF CHANGE On the wings of time, we’ve soared From the canyons of history to the horizon That has become ourstory’s beginnings:- From the clefs of struggle, was heard A creak in the door of time; was...Read the rest...
Categories: endurance, black african american, black
Form: Prose

Gains From Running
Rose, this time I'm too fat Let's run with me in the morning While there is not yet the sunrise Let's go to the oval and run. Let's get up and ride a bike with me Have the same bike,...Read the rest...
Categories: body, endurance, fun, inspiration,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Blues Sonnet for Jan
Event: Anglo-Boer War 1899–1902—Measles epidemic in the concentration camps. In the voice of: Sannie Botha (a survivor). Jan’s cough kept me awake all through the night. The children are all coughing in the night; the fevers gave us all...Read the rest...
Categories: africa, conflict, endurance,
Form: Sonnet
In Another Life
In another life, I’ll love you, For my devotion won't be new. The time together that we spend, Will last when we ascend. So hold me close today, And let us both together pray: That as your...Read the rest...
Categories: death, emotions, endurance, feelings,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member For This Man I Spoke Out
I spoke out A yearning calls But, is it of the heart Could be a yearning of a selfish pride A secret to gain self-glory A trek of agony To forge through this life For the glory of self-satisfaction Is a...Read the rest...
Categories: endurance, change, courage, creation, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
O, strange, unusual, odd one. You never seem to fit in; you always find yourself in front of the gun. Always at the end of scurrilous attacks They aim and shoot vitriol with their shameful acts. But fitting in...Read the rest...
Categories: endurance, abuse, anti bullying, destiny,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hanging on for Dear Life
A marriage, once strong, is slowly disintegrating. People and negative forces r a g e against them; ...Read the rest...
Categories: endurance, love, marriage, relationship,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Our Valley
It is mid winter now, our valley in full frosty set; all the forest, absent canopy a crystal wet; heard a drippy critter sneeze, not a wild nose escaping cold's frigid breeze -- bare trees in thick bark sleeves --...Read the rest...
Categories: earth day, endurance, environment,
Form: Free verse
Silence Shouts
Standing at the cross-roads of past,present and unseen future, holding the truth so strong & firm, fearing it may slip out of the lips. Weeping heart hopes to shout the truth to the world that I aint a bad human...Read the rest...
Categories: angst, cry, emotions, endurance,
Form: Free verse
IN CELEBRATION OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH: 2025 1 Once again, it’s Black History Month; a time to celebrate And commemorate Blacks and those many organizations Which have,...Read the rest...
Categories: endurance, allegory, black african american,
Form: Prose
“Good night, everyone!” One by one, they retreat to their rooms, Drifting into dreams, Resting for the day ahead. But I remain. In the dim glow of the living room, Laptop perched on a blue table, Wi-Fi connected, headphones on, Soft LoFi hums...Read the rest...
Categories: africa, endurance, loneliness, lonely,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Avant-garde
Avant-Garde she studies the philosophy of art, of expression, and freedom, allowing the spirit to drift of shape, of movement, of sound, where white plaques and blackened ground, streak rays of light in prolific sound to...Read the rest...
Categories: art, desire, devotion, endurance,
Form: Free verse
IN HOLY NAVIGATION: A HAIKU QUINTET Moonlight skies are bright, My palisaded road clear; God navigating:- Destiny awaits, End of the forest is seen; God navigating:- In my life's garden, I walk a fruit-tree-lined trail; God navigating:- In shadows of death, Blooming life is brightly clear; God...Read the rest...
Categories: endurance, extended metaphor, fate,
Form: Haiku
“The Sonrise Inside of Me" (by Michelle L. LeBlanc 04/04/2023) Dedicated to my son, Jayden Donald LeBlanc My heart aches My body breaks My mind protected My tissues exorcisted A whole new level I have found Learning to process trauma Has definitely broken new...Read the rest...
Categories: death, endurance, hope, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme

Specific Types of Endurance Poems

Definition | What is Endurance in Poetry?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things