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Best Endurance Poems

Below are the all-time best Endurance poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of endurance poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Disposable Wisdom
Each day Annie Lesley opened a can
Her eighty-six-year-old hands trembling
As she sat with her cat and ate pet food
What is wrong with this elder’s rendering?


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Categories: age, cat, endurance, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member To the Dandelion In the Concrete
You probably don't think much of me
save for the season of spring
when your lawn litters itself
with giant over-buttered popcorn

(birds that think they can sing,
supersonic sneezes?

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Categories: character, endurance, flower, humorous,
Form: Personification
Premium Member We Are One
We Are One

Dear Ancient Sister
I hear your distant calls finding me on a gentle breeze
You have lived in my dreams for many seasons

My voice 

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Categories: endurance, blessing, celebration, community, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Enlightenment
Quietude endows hushed mystical space
Admonishing words have no role to play—
Look how in solitude its posture bends
Bowing in deference to calming intellect.

Listen to the utterance...

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Categories: deep, endurance, introspection, peace,
Form: Free verse
The Music Of Heart In Verse Softly Whirred
What seems now old 
Used to be utterly new
What was previously told 
We cease to over chew
All that is old hold a treasure 
If only...

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Categories: deep, destiny, emotions, endurance,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The River and I
I move with the river, it moves with me
We move in synchronicity
My thoughts flow with currents
Push my feelings around the bends
It heals my wounds, the...

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Categories: endurance, river,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Catharsis
Tears of the past invoke frozen footprints
When fears rekindle flares of dire misery
Feeling the ache, straining blood streams
As wrinkles pop up swelling deep worries,

Holding dialogue...

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Categories: deep, emotions, endurance, feelings,
Form: Verse
Premium Member She Arose
She arose…
A phoenix out of a pile of ashes…
Out of abandonment
Out of hardships and constraints
Out of depression and sadness

She arose…
Out of cutbacks and setbacks 

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Categories: confidence, courage, endurance, hurt,
Form: Free verse
Head On
Heart beats in rhythm to snowflakes 
Cascading in tune to my reality

Like a train travelling through time with no track 
Overwelmed by it's vivid fertile...

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© Carol B.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: endurance, faith, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Will To Survive
Watch in action exuberance of life
As a toddler starts, stops, and falls,
Slowly but surely learning to walk
Questing ahead in poise of pizzazz
Powered by strength of...

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Categories: courage, endurance, hope,
Form: Verse
Ghosts of the Sun Dance-Part 1
Ghosts of the Sun Dance

1. The Path

A quest dating back through our history
Surpassing the flesh, a spiritual path
Human endurance, road to mystery
Dark trail winding through...

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Categories: spiritual, sports, endurance, drug,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Love Burial
The burial ground,  groomed to greet
the gatherers of their love apocalypse
with garlands grown and sown
from the rose fire of Athena's throne,
on this day they...

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Categories: cute love, endurance, love,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Path To Peace
I have fought through incredible things
Trauma and all kinds of life experiences 
One may think peace comes to one easy
But it doesn’t, as the years...

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Categories: endurance, journey, love, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Batter Up, No Longer
From outfield judging eyes await your plight, 
though sweat and stupor feign to your ruin.
Now pull up your trousers, cinch your belt tight...
glaring down from...

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Categories: allegory, crush, endurance, passion,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Happy As a Bird With a French Fry
Today I will be happy,
Happy all day long.
I won't think about my problems.
I'll fill this day with song.

I won't worry about world affairs,
Or ask the...

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© Judy Ball  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: courage, encouraging, endurance, happiness,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things