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Elopes Poems - Poems about Elopes

Elopes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about elopes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for elopes.
Premium Member Fleeting Victory
...Fleeting Victory Bleeding hearts With deadened glare Sullen faces Staring at the darkened phase Looming keenly ahead Staggering at the eloping future along the sneaky passage As the futu......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, anxiety, conflict, discrimination,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member choosing to suffer
...desire and hope ego groping elopes with fear......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, angst, desire, fear, hope,
Form: Than-Bauk

Premium Member Spring Poppies
...The hills come alive with vibrant poppy hues, From crimson red to golden yellow, a kaleidoscope of views. They cast their shadows on the valley's gentle slopes, A stunning aura, beauty that elopes......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, spring,
Form: Rhyme
...When whispers shout out pain in silence And echoes rejoice in gladness A crowd of smiles in absence Yet the back bone spares no one regardless I get to understand what it means To be African in ......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, africa,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Abandoned
...Was here yesterday morning, disappeared this afternoon Gone a certain aegis, like the wearing off of perfume See nothing can last forever, time elopes with esprit Winds of change unchangeable, ......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, absence, nostalgia, perspective,
Form: Sonnet

Pope Elopes
...I was riding the bus to work One day, When the fellow sitting next to me Turned to say There’s an interesting article In the newspaper today. I looked at him, My curiosity was roused. Page se......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, fun,
Form: Free verse
Loves Alleyway
...When wantonness elopes the green a blaze of colour occurs stretched far into the day The reciprecent celebrates the elopers attention The golden hum of bees pervades along the meadowed stretch ......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
The Crushing Grief
...The crushing grief when someone chooses death When life had shown much promise and much hope Turns the ones who loved to find new paths Some may sin, encouraged by cruel wrath Against the ......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, absence, allegory, anger,
Form: Rhyme
The Moment Within the Mood
...The aesthetic of the autocratic effigy of directing the positivity of proclivity in the nature, the stir of it , that grit in your teeth this life gives , that digestive hindsight. Almost lost like ......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, courage, emotions, humanity, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member How Do Children Sleep At Night
...It's a wonder young children still turn out all right With the stuff that gets crammed in their heads every night. Things like visions of sugar plum fairies and sprites, Or a thousand tales of Ara......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, children, humor, imagination,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Shape of Things To Come
...I was a popular geometry teacher, imparting knowledge to the young, Like the proficient translator, who is able to speak in different tongues. I found shapes to be intriguing, for few things in e......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, dream, fantasy, imagery, life,
Form: Couplet
I Hate It
...I hate it I have been watching a love story on TV, and it never fails I blow my nose get tearful; I curse myself for being a soppy fool movies like this were made to appeal to my tear ducts. T......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, best friend, blessing, dance,
Form: Blank verse
Joy Hope Kindness
...Joy, it is more then just a mere three letter word, it is an emotion well sought when we feel the exultation of a life that has been lived with journey fought we hold in the fondness, the warm ad......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dusk
...birds wing back to homes scarlet tint colors the sky twilight blurs the scene a creepy stillness descends, as the Sun elopes with Light English Tanka Rhyme scheme........Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, light, romance, sunset,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member The Uncanny Stranger
...The stranger is strange, pariah, leper sounds offbeat, Neither truculent, nor relevant, all destined to encounter the doomed relic; The bizarre outlander, alien to stimulate the instant pulse-beat......Read the rest...
Categories: elopes, fate, fear, grief, hate,
Form: Rhyme

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