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Condor Poems - Poems about Condor

Condor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about condor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for condor.

Premium Member The Condor
Marvelous to see a condor soar unlike the ghoul when landed and picking -- master of thermals! dark lord of demise -- which makes me more profoundly consider his tearing beak, and vacant, soulless eyes imagining now, a higher purpose, loftier reason for his...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, forgiveness, humanity, sunset, truth,
Form: Free verse
A condor in the window Lilting to one side Favoring the throat not yet marked. Cain’s hand—colder Than described. A star on frosted glass. There is light beneath the crystals It powers the melting. Oasis half-waded. A waif to the roar of dusk I open...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, anxiety,
Form: Free verse

Red Star At Daylight
My sky friend knew the glistening wound would Prove fatal as my faith pulled Itself to the side of the highway to die Among that patch...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, bird, destiny, myth, star,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Heavenly Jade Ghost
Ghostly figure in white Wearing the oni mask Softly plays the heavenly jade xiao gleaming in the moonlight Underneath the peach blossom trees A sweet fragrance in the air Near the pagoda waits Like a Ghost in the night Playing the...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, fantasy,
Form: Imagism
Sight of the Lost Condor
Fly! Fly! Fly! my friend, sail wide, see those that see no more. Trust your sight, given, still the curiosity, of existing borders, cross those, the ones we have forgotten. Seek the wonders, offered, the...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, adventure, beauty, nature,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I Am a Condor
I fly, alone, powerful, high up in the skies Wondering at what makes clouds grey At what makes the land green At what does there be for me, except the carrying of my duty I fly, alone, powerful, wanting...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, bird, sky,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The California Condor
Ten thousand years ago he roamed free He was king of the sky on both coasts Now his kind is just clinging to life Only about 160 birds left to boast Lead poisoning led to his decline That, and the...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, animals, loss
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member El Condor Pasa
El Condor Pasa means Flight of the Condor Song preformed by Simon and Garfunkel ...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, animals, death, imagination, life,
Form: Rhyme
El Condor
El Condor........... Flying This snowscape High flight High escape Mountain light This solitary flying Wind sighing Mountain light Andean flight El Condor Soaring high Andean home Flying alone Hear the moan Of Incan wind Hear...Read the rest...
Categories: condor, nature, uplifting, light, light,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things