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Nature Concrete Poems

These Nature Concrete poems are examples of Concrete poems about Nature. These are the best examples of Concrete Nature poems written by international poets.

Premium Member HEART TYPES-
Beating heart,        fleeting starts

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Categories: analogy, body, heart, how

The Barren Landscape
Where steel titans glower, casting endless shade,
Rain's memory fades, and a parched land is displayed.
Bangalore simmers, a cauldron in the sun,
Life withers silent, its thirsty...

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Categories: concrete, earth, environment, life, nature,

Premium Member Our Ship Arrived
m                 m

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: adventure, analogy, appreciation, boat,

Premium Member Making Tea
It's styles of a nameless brand pristine day
an exclusive star-sheathed shadow after 
overwhelming luminous glare fainted
a somewhat true-to-life footpath in
a back of structured quaintness

Encountering myself...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, analogy, blessing, celebration,

Premium Member A Leaf Falls

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Categories: autumn, fun, nature,

Beneath the Concrete

Born to a hard, brown, and rocky soil,
A world where Adam's fall makes us all toil.
I thought I couldn't bloom and blosom,
thought I...

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Categories: concrete, 1st grade,

Premium Member Namaste Tantra
.                        ...

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Categories: nature,

Premium Member His First Surf
                  A  Step   

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Categories: boy, sports, sunshine,

Premium Member A Singing Mother
Placed 9th in :
No. 1238 New Poems Only
Sponsored by Brian Strand   

 Since her birth on the mount     ...

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Categories: environment, inspirational, mother, nature,

The Benefits of Responsible Gun Ownership
In the realm where words take flight,
Let me share a tale, both wise and bright.
Of responsible hands that wield the gun,
An ode to the virtues,...

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Categories: 12th grade,

Premium Member New Day
New Day

I sit watching god’s creatures of the night, 
fleeing from the ever-approaching dawn. 
A bright orange and red haze caresses the horizon. 

Beyond this...

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Categories: beauty, deep, nature,

Premium Member A Note On Brahmarandhara

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Categories: analogy, assonance,

Premium Member blissful scene





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Categories: blue, nature, sky,

Premium Member Nature In Our Architecture
In Worship 
Of   Nature
For Love of Nature
A shelter to be safe 

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Categories: allegory, creation, nature,

Premium Member Metaphor of Inverted Tree
Our Life......As  An ...inverted......tree
    Asvatha  it is called
    it is tree of life,

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Categories: analogy, imagery, life, myth,

Book: Shattered Sighs