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Blue Jay Poems - Poems about Blue Jay

Blue Jay Poems - Examples of all types of poems about blue jay to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for blue jay.
Premium Member Little Blue Jay
Little Blue Jay, carry me away To a hammock in the forest shade In play, away from this gray day To a bright gay day and fade Make way so, we can fly un-delayed. Little Blue Jay, that sweet serenades Summer...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, nature, nursery rhyme,
Form: Quintain (English)
Premium Member I Saw A Blue Jay
what stunning sight you are, beautiful blue jay! your wings carry you so far you called but couldn't stay; sad...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, beauty, bird, imagery,
Form: Quintain (English)

Premium Member blue jay overhead
wings spread soaring high fluttering of blue and white confident and calm...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, bird,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Blue Jays
The chirps of blue jays fill my garden, The colors, grace and flights keep me smitten, They are not like peacocks of the east or the parrots of amazon, But who cares, beauty is my inner perception. The constant...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, bird,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dreamscape
morn! lovesick Blue jay croons, squirrels scurry in haste for ever… boisterous in grey coat. breathtaking vermilion tinge painting sky with glistening hue, intoxicated July dreamscapes idyllic beauty of glorious day!...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, beauty, july, seasons,
Form: Etheree

Premium Member Blue Jay
blue jay spark wonder opens its mouth let song out~ talk through dreary sky...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, bird,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Beautiful Blue Jay
He was a beautiful bird with feathers bright white and cobalt blue He happily chirped his songs while perched at the feeders every day Often spotted high in the oak tree, squawking until his new day debut When...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, appreciation, bird, nature,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Blue Jay Warrior
Blue Jay Warrior knew this tile roof would be slick He has a wise brain, he is in no way ignorant or thick. He argued with the team, but they won thanks to his brother. A favorite in...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, animal, bird,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blue Jay
perched on a high tree a blue jay lookout screeches ~ swift bristling of crests [when blue jays feed in peace, their crests are lowered, but become raised when danger is sensed.] - - - - - -...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, bird,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Blue Jay
bright blue sapphire blinks bejeweled midst blue spruce bush ... blur blueberry sky 14 March 2022 Bird Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin Howmanysyllables syllable counter...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, bird, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Blue Jay
Ok Ok Ok Blue Jay With your blue “wheedlewee” and “tooltool”, Blueberry in beak Blue sky in full peak Tweet your blue wheedlewee and tooltool...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, analogy, animal, appreciation, bird,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bright Blue Jay
Late Fall days are dark, grey, cold and dismal Until a flash of bright blue wings adds some warmth Fall winds blow wet leaves with colors now muted Grounds are covered in damp camouflaged blankets Sunlight is scarce and...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, autumn, bird, nature,
Form: Verse
Orange Cat and Blue Jay
On a bright sunny day All the animals come out to play The mischievous orange cat And the majestic blue jay Could they ever become friends Well they just may The fluffy orange cat circles around the tree While the scared little...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Much-Maligned Blue Jay
The blue jay is a handsome bird though that is oft the one nice word you'll read about this robber of other birds' nests ~ this handsome pest You're a beacon of color on...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, bird, blue, conflict, winter,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member My Blue Jay
Will you take this broken man? Into your heart and loving hand? For you are my true Blue Jay, My true love in every way. I am lost without you near, Am I making myself clear? This lone wolf...Read the rest...
Categories: blue jay, lost love, love,
Form: Couplet

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry