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Best Suzette Prime Poems

Below are the all-time best Suzette Prime poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of suzette prime poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member The Bosses Son
you may try to make us feel inferior
strutting around with head held high and mighty
i wonder
is it for our sake
or just to cover up thy...

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Categories: rude, sad,
Form: Suzette Prime

Premium Member A Seagull's Plight
a resilient soul
hoists his drooping wings
dreary but dreamy
soars far
so high
he keeps on searching for his illusive dreams
regardless of the storm and height of mountains
goes through...

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© Len Gasun  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: courage, dream, passion, uplifting,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Go Away
wars drugs poverty
famine fear rape death
and degradation 
that's the impoverished world 
desperate immigrants flee

and yet we won't let them in

go die on the other side...

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Categories: 12th grade, anger, angst,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Raindrops
silver strings play through lightning
in a tuneful duo with rolling thunder sound
the raindrops bounce and  jiggle
pounding and bouncing
in a rocking band
petrichor ascends
from a thirsty...

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© Len Gasun  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: nature, rain,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Sweet Taste of Love
   "Sweet Taste of Love"

sweet taste
of true love
is divine essence
sprinkled from heavenly skyline by Angels.

thin line
severs love
hate resonates heart 
dagger thrusts ---

love conquers...

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Categories: lost love,
Form: Suzette Prime

Premium Member In Every Garden
Suzette Prime/Free Verse

undulating yowls 
both sides of my hemispheres
reverberates through the ears
continuously play
the mind longs for its most melodious display
nature sings in sweet harmony with...

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© Len Gasun  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: garden, philosophy,
Form: Suzette Prime
Taking a Stand
Our children are dying
Lying down facing the street
Our own kind has made the task easy for others to complete
From slavery by our own people
To the...

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Categories: baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member The Classical Argument For Love
let me make an argument for love you can’t refute
I want to win you
I want you to be convinced
I’m the best thing that there is

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Categories: desire, love, truth,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Open Hearts
love fest
welcome here
our community
open hearts and open palms
expressing and receiving other’s feelings

Universality will be possible only when we focus
on human qualities that unite us. Respect,...

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Categories: inspirational, love, peace, philosophy,
Form: Suzette Prime
Hymns of Salvation 1
Hymns of salvation

That  my own  body 
is my greatest enemy
was unknown to me.
O Lord, I  was reveling  in its...

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Categories: birth, me, philosophy, religion,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Freedom's Rare Sanctuary
like a grumpy ogre the twisted old tree stood guard
notched scraggy boughs reached out in fierce surety
naught had ever compromised its task
in its dutiable charge


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Categories: courage, england, history, magic,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Alone
When you are alone you are all your own. ~Leonardo da Vinci

the Milky Way that rises like a sea fret 
forging a way amongst the...

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Categories: analogy, inspiration, metaphor, philosophy,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member The Obstacle Is the Path

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Categories: philosophy,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member The Grey
shall I dwell  
           in the palette of extreme  

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© David Mohn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: introspection,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member We'Re Supposed To Care
invisible in plain sight
humanity's throwaways live on the street
begging a living

how absurd that sounds
in a city of plenty

we are human beings; we're supposed to care

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Categories: 12th grade, angst, caregiving,
Form: Suzette Prime

Book: Shattered Sighs