Prime Number Syllable count: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc; PLUS a philosophical statement
A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 tha has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.
Philosophy is the study ofgeneral and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Any combination of a prime number syllable count may be usedper line. Do avoid mirror images as this will detractfrom the free style feel. The line breaks serve as punctuation and no caps used,unless it is called for, as in my poem, DivineLove. Any topic which lends itself to a philosophical statement is suitablefor SUZETTE PRIME.
A Suzette prime is a type of poem created by Suzette Richards which follows a specific syllable rhyming scheme. Each line of the poem must consist of syllables that are of a prime number only. A prime number is a natural-based number that is bigger than one that has no other positive divisors besides one and itself. This style of poetry follows the rule that each line must consist of syllables of prime numbers only. If the poem does not follow this rule, it will not be considered a Suzette Prime poem.
These poems may be written about anything one wishes, generally, though they are usually written about philosophy pertaining to something important to the author. This type of poetry is meant to make the reader think, while also following the specific rhyming syllable scheme of prime numbers. One popular Suzette prime poem is "A Seagull's Plight" By Galeo DS, which allows the reader to open their thoughts and experience something with the writer. This is common for Suzette Prime poems.
the pulchritudinous moonwake captivates
implicature is
as our psyche thirsts for light
so poetry shines into the recesses
illuminates umpteen flaws
provides balm for forsaken
© 2012 Suzette Richards