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Best Passion Poems

Below are the all-time best Passion poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of passion poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Never Shame a Woman
Never ever shame a woman
for the fire in her soul
still your fear that you're unable
to give that which makes her whole

Never ever shame a woman

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Categories: passion, women,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member The Daughter of the North Wind Sings In Soprano
In riming realms 
of crystal contemplations -
frozen water-vapor meditations
and chilled flutes 
filled with zodiacal-light musings 
of ancient cosmic dust 
dancing in the arms of Sol..


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Categories: passion, snow, winter, woman,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member That Starry Night
Like no one before, nor since
 you painted that starry night in oils
  superimposing your life story.

I feel I know this idyllic village

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: art, depression, night, passion,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member A Poets Abode
A Poet’s Abode

A poet’s peaceful abode surpasses bliss
Depicting imagery beheld by eyes.
Dreams revealed go beyond the great abyss
Of space with stars that fill our cobalt...

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Categories: art, beauty, passion, poetry,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Midnight Secret
*Secreto de Medianoche*   
~On this very Night~
   I found myself in a

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Categories: beauty, fantasy, night, passion,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Sweet Sugar Cookies and Peanut Butter Bars
"I dream of Candy!"

Sweet cakes and peanut butter squares 
A living diabetic's nightmare. --  My heart 
sings to the beat, Under the Neutron Star...

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Categories: passion, addiction, candy, fantasy, funny,
Form: Alliteration
Portrait of Love
Let me paint you like a summer’s day,
Upon luscious landscapes where lovers play…
With oils of Celestial Blue and Carmine Red,
Cherry Blossom Pink with a Saffron...

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Categories: art, color, passion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member How Do I Hold the Wind
On the edge of silence 
beyond the mossy-muffled stone wall
a wind chime chants — faint, like falling sparkles of stars—
honeyed musings of a wind spirit...

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Categories: passion, grief, longing, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Eroticism of Inspiration
In swoon ‘neath golden moon and sable sweep
   let bathe with hues upon my canvas soak
     romance a mingle,...

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Categories: passion, appreciation, art, inspiration, night,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pirouetting On Cloud Banks
Dancing in space
Waltzing in the universe
Pirouetting on cloud banks
Aah yes
Come with me
Let’s dance together

Ancient flute notes echo
Amidst starshine and lost memories
I feel you there beside...

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Categories: passion, desire, fantasy, introspection, lost
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Forest
"What happens in the forest stays in the forest"

The trees are trimmed, 
The leaves on the ground 
Proposing passion, sweet mist
Naked with nothing to bare...

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© Skat A   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: art, imagination, passion, seasons,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Where Gladiators Fought
Part I

Where gladiators fought for life,
we meet to fight for love
The constellations in the Roman night sky,
celestial spectators, bathe the Colosseum
in the white blood of...

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Categories: passion, places,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Liquid Heaven
Liquid Heaven

A feast for my womanly inner beast!       
I tease, I please, you have me on my knees
I wring...

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Categories: passion, body, happiness, heaven, lust,
Form: Free verse
Winter's Afterglow
stars twinkled brilliantly
against majestic snow-capped mountains,
delicate pure white flakes danced;
swirling, twirling, rhythmically.

she stood, nose pressed tightly
against the window pane; gazing in awe
at the magic the...

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© Lynn Marie  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: passion, angst, death, introspection, loss,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On One Knee
if you wanted to dance with me
i mean really wanted to dance with me
then i would
i would dance with you

if you needed me to walk...

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Categories: passion, celebration, for her, i
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Shattered Sighs