Portrait of Love
Let me paint you like a summer’s day,
Upon luscious landscapes where lovers play…
With oils of Celestial Blue and Carmine Red,
Cherry Blossom Pink with a Saffron spread.
Brushing spectrums of the radiant rainbows,
With Lava lips against the maternal meadows…
Caressing with colors amidst the curative canvas,
Sculpting your smile from a vestal vastness.
Let me paint you like the magnanimous moon,
Within Twilight realms where lovers cocoon…
Where the heavens display their starry nights,
Amongst lovers dreams with great delights.
Let me paint you under a Spanish Sky Blue,
With a dash of Spring Green in the misty dew…
As the frolicking flowers dance to the sun,
My portrait of love in a floral spiraling spun.
Written & produced by... Winged Warrior
Music by...Bach-'C major prelude'
Voice...Male virtual voice
...please wait 33 seconds before the poem is recited
...the poem will also be repeated in the video production
...thank you for viewing and enjoy the rest of the music
Winged Warrior...^WW^
Not for any contest
Thank you, everyone, for the lovely comments...and for making this video poem, POTD...'mucho gracias'...^WW^
Copyright © Winged Warrior | Year Posted 2019
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