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Best Filigree Poems

Below are the all-time best Filigree poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of filigree poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Swirls of Gold Filigree
A pale, ghostly moon rises
at night when the day is done.
And orange and tangerine
get bled from a crimson sun.

Space is draped in black velvet,
pinned with...

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Categories: filigree, beauty, nature, night, stars,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Farewell Filigree
~     window between us,

               your breath freezes...

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Categories: filigree, break up, farewell, goodbye,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Frost Like Filigree
~ Frost
~ delicate,

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Categories: filigree, nature,
Form: Fibonacci

Premium Member Fanciful Filigree Faerie
Fanciful filigree faerie frolics
Garnishing grateful glittery gardenias
Heavenly hope heralding 
Iridescent illusions imagining 
joyous jumbled jubilation...

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Categories: filigree, fairy,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member A Gold Filigree Chest
A walled in pond with trees draped with moss
brighten by a warm predawn  glow

Two sisters sit on a small stone clearing
keeping  secrets of...

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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: filigree, beauty, grandmother, love, sister,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Born Among Snowflakes Filigree
I have a deep true love and bond with winters cold,
born among snowflakes filigree;
though, I adore all seasons that unfold,
it is me-  who...

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Categories: filigree, love,
Form: Ballad

Premium Member Filigree Clouds


Clouds of twisting filigree

Azure sky entwined, tangled

Soft, delicate, billowing

A lace hammock in the sky


August 29, 2012

Free Verse/Filigree Clouds
Copyright Protected, ID 08- 417-023-29
All Rights Reserved, 2012,...

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Categories: filigree, nature, sky,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumn Filigree
The gray haze of autumnal fog drenches the leave-strewn grass.
Trance-like, lain within the wet air, like babies breath, the leaves fall.
A soft, damp, blanket of...

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Categories: filigree, nature, peace, sea, seasons,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Filigree
Celtic Filigree

Graceful filigree unbroken 
Weaves a tracery
With strands entwined
Like a whisper from the misty isles
Woven into whorls of melodic unity,
Indivisible spirals of the eternal three,

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Categories: filigree, ireland, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Frost Like Filigree
Feather like 
patterns have appeared 
all over my bedroom windows 
My frozen fingers trace the swirling fern like patterns 
as I gaze...

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Categories: filigree, beauty, nature, weather, winter,
Form: Fibonacci
Premium Member Frost Like Filigree
Frost Like Filigree

Frost filigree, superb can be
     as nature weaves crystal delights.

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Categories: filigree, imagery, winter,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member Filigree Snowflakes Fall
I walk lonely in the garden of my dead mother,
down paths frozen with song birds in trees;
my coat is of mourning black, 
my heart is...

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Categories: filigree, death,
Form: Verse
My Filigree Heart
The cherub of love pierces my filigree heart – now passion reveals


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Categories: filigree, romance, valentines day,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Filigree
The filigree ship sails on the dreams ocean
Ethereal waves, celestial motion
The sea faring souls safely inside
As the silver toned vessel fervently glides
The achromatic expanse of...

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Categories: filigree, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Nature and Creation Envy
I saw a dragonfly today

        Skimming over the surface of a still pond

It’s beauty reflecting the light


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Categories: filigree, beautiful, creation, insect, inspiration,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things