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Best Conflict Poems

Below are the all-time best Conflict poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of conflict poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Wind From the Sea
Inspired by Andrew Wyeth Watercolor Painting -- Wind From the Sea, 1947

Standing in the old house
A strange mixture of feelings erupt within me
My roommates Depression,...

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Categories: conflict, depression, forgiveness, hope,
Form: I do not know?

Premium Member Death of the Poet Destroyer
~The Untold Fatal Attraction Poem~

Mid-morning she sees the sun ahead
Her death flowed in a messaged bottle
Gazing into her brown eyes upon all open sores,
Her conscience...

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Categories: birth, change, conflict, death,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Your Judas Like Tan
""Child's Play""

You go down like rain,
A wishing star in disguise, 
You scream bloody murder 
-the perfect two-face disgrace
Your lips forever stain and reside with Benedict...

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Categories: betrayal, change, conflict, daughter,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Courage of Youth, Battle of Ypres, Flanders Field
Courage of Youth, Battle of Ypres, Flanders Field
(A Tribute)

Tough as nails young man with a red right hand
red-fire and whiskey ran in his blood.
Courageous seed...

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Categories: conflict, death, fate, sorrow,
Form: Sonnet
Her Masterpiece Is Her Story
Her paintbrush is a razor,
Her canvas, her wrists,
"I deserve the pain."
She shrugs and insists.

One day the brush will push down,
And it will cut so deep,

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Categories: conflict, abuse, addiction, anger, body,
Form: Rhyme

Poetry Soap
It’s almost time and I must run
to watch/read Poetry Soap for fun.
It comes on every day at this time
and I don’t want to miss a...

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Categories: abuse, conflict, jealousy, love,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Goodbye

I've seen the way you look at me
I've seen the way you look at them
Without wanting to admit, you hate everything I...

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Categories: break up, conflict, goodbye,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pretty Shoes and Cracked Feet
Once I'm gone 
I'll only be remembered a small while
I'm a tiny tick on a large dial
The words I breathe will stretch about a mile

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Categories: angst, body, conflict, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Editing of Me
My words were rewritten until they became yours
As grammar and syntax perfected your thoughts
Pages lined with highlighters polished me to extinction 

I wanted to resist...

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Categories: conflict, recovery from,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member American Indian, Nightshades, Moonshadows and Howling Wolf
American Indian, Nightshades, Moonshadows And Howling Wolf

Thirsty for red moon, its sacred beams and eternal pull
howling-out to speak to this dark and blind world, without...

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Categories: art, conflict, death, history,
Form: Verse
Premium Member The Guise of Blue Jay Skies
F  l  y  i  n  g

a sailing tailwind
in cerulean streams
through creamsicle colored beams -
are wings reflective of turquoise truth 

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Categories: autumn, bird, blue, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Frozen Noose
Anxiety    (The Worst Noose In Town)

-- like flooding waters, creeping in
I count 30, seconds, holding my breath again
Drowning in agitation, overwhelmed by...

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Categories: angst, anxiety, conflict, crazy,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Fifty-Three Shades of Grey
in the uncoloured tint of another everyday
amongst the spit polished waxed apples
tightly packed in burlap bags
they walked like minded
in their own burly wrap
oblivious to the...

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Categories: child, community, conflict, dad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gnarled Shadows
Through shadowed trails beneath the moon’s cold stare.
     Its Amber gaze: a burden hard to bear.
This feathered prize found peace in...

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Categories: conflict, dark, emotions, gothic,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Bleeding Love
Introducing: Jan Allison & Poet Destroyer

Pierced by shards of shattered glass 
Deeper and deeper you stab me 
With lies and venomous words 
Dissecting my heart...

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Categories: abuse, anger, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things