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Aryan Poems - Poems about Aryan

Aryan Poems - Examples of all types of poems about aryan to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for aryan.
Premium Member The Final Solution I
...As innocence receives the mark of man a war is waged in silent turpitude. It seeps within the solace of the land erasing all in morbid solitude. For any souls so deemed to be unfit are subjects ......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, world war ii,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
how it began
...How it began  Men in green uniforms  ice blue eyes and leathery lips saw me in the crib  and declared this child  is an Aryan I clicked my heels and sucked my thumb Mother took to singing ......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, anti bullying, celebration, health,
Form: Blank verse

The Aryan Eyes
...That blue sunken eyes, Comes the exonerating, Awesome Aryan price.......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, beauty, emotions, pride, race,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Cows, Cattle, and Maverick
...A Texan rancher Samuel Maverick, Who never his calves and cattle branded, That caused to create the word maverick— An eccentric rebel born of cow shed! Now, before the word breached its nati......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, words,
Form: Narrative
...Some languages are fluently translatable but only by how the mouth utters and shapes them, they are too musical to be not sung, like Gaelic; it was my mother’s tongue and her grandmother’s elder......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Hindu Anarchy Coming To India: Canto Ii- Two States Begin Fighting
...Which is the easiest way to make two Indian states to fight? One is to throw power, language, water- Issues on their face. So you’ll have got two Dravid states Fighting eternally, O’er slight......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, corruption, environment, malayalam, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Munich Disco Bar
...Nazi disco bar, psycho aryan dancers fancy cabaret.........Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, allusion, appreciation, crazy, creation,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member What Next
...After Judicious consideration the Court ousts chihuahuas without hesitation With Texas Versus Rover their dreaming days are over We'll soon live in a pure Aryan canine nation......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, humor,
Form: Limerick
Not Part of the Plan
...The Armenians are’t wanted, Christians in Muslim land, we have to make Turkey for Turks, they’re not part of the plan. The kulaks are class enemies, hoarding all the best land, it’s fine to s......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, death, evil, history, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When Coempathic
...When I feel compassion with my positive needs for love health trust safety, When I feel compassion for my fears wounds negative fortress wants to overpower perceived threats against my e......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, health, humor, integrity, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Nazis, the Polish,Hitler and Us
...Tortured, beyond torture. Considered , non Aryan, too. Thousands shot daily Piles of their bones, so dogs could chew! Hitler figured a better way! Camps would be of no dismay. Using slave l......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, america, anger, freedom, health,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Scythian Dawn
...(Written through the eyes of a 6th century B. C. era Scythian warrior poet) wind o wind o wind! wind o wind whichs cleaves the steppe in dire stagnation eternal is the ride, endless, the e......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Difference
...DIFFERENCE A friend once said that difference is a problem when used as a weapon, perhaps something good when sought as an adventure. He started the interview by clearing the air, told th......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Canada But Not As We Know It
...I’ve never given much thought, about the last train to Auschwitz for indeed every train, was intended to be ones last, Except for the guards, who sit atop the cattle cars As the human livestock......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, allusion, evil, holocaust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pioneer of Propaganda
...Well! sycophantic misanthropist, verbose agitator of spite Club footed whore master, couldn’t goose step for his life Malicious propagandist, spreading hatred in every breath His wife willing disc......Read the rest...
Categories: aryan, allusion, corruption, judgement, satire,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry