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Armani Poems - Poems about Armani

Armani Poems - Examples of all types of poems about armani to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for armani.
Premium Member bankrupt
... straw me down … like your raspberry ice tea swallow and savor and maybe I’ll say I love you maybe not … either way it’s your last - the swan song of my jaded patience … claw me cautiously ......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, analogy, break up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Trailer Park
...After work at Google, I sat with the guys I said we were elite, enlightened and wise We had to censor those in this benighted nation Who spread disruptive disinformation. A Venture Cap named Ha......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, america, culture, discrimination, humor,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Rue Saint-Honore
...It's the weekend (Friday night). Lisa and I are hangin’, music’s playing, and we’re rummaging through my suitcase, for an outfit option, for me, tonight. Call it cliché, but we like going out - and g......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, fashion, friendship, fun, humor,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Remodeling
...Get out your sponges, stippling brushes and pens, It’s time for makeover-Monday-night to begin. Think Winky Lux, L’Oréal, Urban Decay, Maybelline, Armani and Fabergé It’s a black magic realm wh......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, celebration, color, creation, fun,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Such a Pretty Bow
...broad shoulders, six foot three Rolex, Stacey Adams, suit by Armani and she said yes soft spoken, warm hands, piercing eyes a Harvard degree, business law and she said yes, yes a dance to S......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, power,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Tribute To Jean Michel Basquiat
...This intelligent artist had internal incongruity Brilliant genius prancing around in his head Was he having a psychotic break? I followed him to outer limits well fed. Unlimited by one language......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, art,
Form: Free verse
...The mannequins put on skin pretending to be human feigning familiarity with lives they’ve never lived performing a pantomime of proficiency in poverty the wisdom won from doing without play......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, anger, celebrity, corruption, film,
Form: Free verse
Jackpot, a Pot of Worries
...When hundred's one hell of a count, To reckon crore, a long sentence, And five times that a long penance, Almost a live tiger to mount, Wonder, many a dot must make a crore, A mouthful of ze......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, money, poverty, sad,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Gardener
...The Gardener She’s twenty-three and he’s eighty-six He walks with a Zimmer, she watches Netflix He has a mansion and a Maserati car She has her diamonds and uplifting bra They have a garden......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Ballad
Humanizing the Fashion
...Multiple premise olfactory adventures, contemplative tactile sensory ... Clothing colors, odors, hues, varnishes ... Beauty has always done fashion ... or your own reason for being... Fashio......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, allegory, allusion, analogy, beauty,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Sarto Sorridente - Smiling Tailor
..."Brioni ... or Armani?" quizzed the fitter, For bolts and hems and lines were all his passion, And though Italian food oft' left him bitter, Their suits and ......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, appreciation, beauty, clothes, money,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Miss Ellen Degeneres
...Miss Ellen DeGeneres Dislikes face powder adheres It stains all her Armani No more makeup for honey 3/22/2019 Poetry Contest: Celebrity or Famous Person sponsor, Tania Kitchin......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, humorous,
Form: Clerihew
A Poet
...When you can sow words together and produce the finest poems Like Armani turning a piece of clothing into a designer suit When you put rhymes to verses and touch hearts Like Pablo Picasso putting......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, care, deep, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
Mr Purt
...There is a man named Mr. Purt Money and power are his turf. He rules the land with a tangerine fist Misogynistic deeds always tops his list He takes what he wants, no questions are asked. Wo......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, humor, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member For One Pass of Your Lips - a Re-Write’d whisper into my ear but it was my heart absorbed your words when you loved me way back than you wrote your words and they made me cry you wrote those words and you know i died w......Read the rest...
Categories: armani, lost love,
Form: Free verse

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