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Antics Poems - Poems about Antics

Antics Poems - Examples of all types of poems about antics to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for antics.
Premium Member why does she get two familiars
...why does she get two familiars? The other witches asked their Daddies. They had no idea, but her parents did drive three brand new Caddies. Perhaps they are on the take, criminals, one suggested wi......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member my best friend and I friends can keep a secret, when others cannot They have your back but do not burden you with it my best friend and I can resume a friendship after ten years laughing and cutting up as if we s......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, friendship,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Fartina
...Could there be anything sweeter, than our little dog named Fartina, I wanted to see less of wretched in-laws, they no longer come over because, the gaseous funky green cloud, emitting from Farti......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Snowflake
...He appeared in our backyard one day with fur white as snow An albino squirrel, a beautiful and rare sighting wherever he may go He spends his days sleeping and then out frolicking for bird seed an......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, animal, appreciation, beautiful, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jack and Jill - The True Story
... * Examples for the contest Jack and Jill (the real story) "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after..."...Read the rest...
Categories: antics, humor,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member feathered antics
...a mockingbird sings mimicking bird melodies ~ comedic chorus a hummingbird sips while vibrant feathers flutter ~ a rapid refresh a hungry bluejay squawks and shrieks at the feeders ~ blue......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, appreciation, bird, nature, song,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member When Lizzie was
...When Lizzie was the lizzard queen? There were trumpets And a jubilee..' A word from the Bible (by the way) you see?the Tree was gilded in a 'night for day' the scenario was quite schematic..' As in......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, education,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Tides Motel Palm Beach Blvd
...My bus finally pulled in late you were there as promised although I tried not to notice the blonde bimbo adjusting her skirt a cross between pat benatar and Melanie griffith puffing on a......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, art, city, confidence, funny
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cheery Pets
... Tails Wagging Happy barks Contented purrs and cheery meows, Delightful chattering Jumping for joy, elated Jubilant hugs and joyful whines Humorous antics to make us laugh Overjo......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, cat, dog, pets,
Form: Etheree
Once again the missus did volunteer yours truly as master of ceremonies
...Once again, the missus did volunteer yours truly as master of ceremonies..., when triumvirate (Kathleen Bergen, Pamela Floreen, and Richard Jett) constitute Grosse and Quade real estate managem......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, adventure, america, angst, anniversary,
Form: Rhyme
...Prying eyes every night and day Like there's no other things to do Minds that always hope and pray For their demi - god to pass through One man's life is another man's living It's a hell ......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Temporal incarnation of Aphrodite
...Temporal incarnation of Aphrodite... induces idyllic reverie delight evoking similar surge, when skirting, and eluding fidelity defining the marital law on par with courting in flagrante deli......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, absence, adventure, angel, april,
Form: Rhyme
...It started as an ideal dream. Summer sun shine all things warm And dreamy seemingly.... Until it was SHREADED by a nightmare! A real plightmare I cried FEAR! What is this HERE! Sure I'd like t......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, allusion, beach, birth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Oh! No! Gizmo
...I have a guinea pig named Gizmo Whose antics made everyone go "Oh, no!" He'd run through the house Like a tiny, furry mouse And leave poop chaos wherever he'd go!......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, animal,
Form: Limerick
... Dawn’s dewdrops form a breathtaking lake for the sunrise fairy who joys in a swim. Far from shore, where problems well, tears rise as fog, ferries in daffodil sun. For th......Read the rest...
Categories: antics, cute love, fairy,
Form: Pantoum

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