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Annoys Poems - Poems about Annoys

Annoys Poems - Examples of all types of poems about annoys to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for annoys.
NOISE ANNOYS Externally it might emerge as a belch Especially as the seltzer may just fizz But inside, one may just hear the stomach squelch Maybe a hiccup, well you know how it is A grunt is quite the opposite,...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, onomatopoeia, sound,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member dancer annoys grandma
Table top dancer was as graceful as every hippo I knew She did a waltz, a ballet, and an old familiar soft shoe The people at the table pushed their chairs out of the way My annoyed grandma...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, humorous,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Dancer Annoys Grandma
Table top dancer was as graceful as every hippo I knew She did a waltz, a ballet, and an old familiar soft shoe The people at the table pushed their chairs out of the way My annoyed grandma...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, dance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Toad Annoys Two Friends
Stork wheels his best friend up and down the road. Someone makes fun of him. It is a simple ugly toad. He is my pal, and I want to please him, so go away. The toad hops a...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, animal,
Form: Rhyme
What Annoys Me
What annoys me ? Absolutely EVERYTHING Where should I start Fly's Why?? My Bad Luck Especially on the Golf Course And playing the Lottery How is it possible to never get a number Surely that is harder to get none Liars...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, anger, angst,
Form: Free verse

What Annoys Me
Comes the first day of spring and everything is in bloom, while the bugs start invading way too soon, And while living down south were always making hand motions, to ward off the flying insects that give us grievous emotions, Outdoor eating can...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, angst, flying, insect,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member What Annoys Me - Drastic Plastic Surgery For That Barbie Doll Look Lol
She was an aspiring starlet, a real cutie patootie Folks were in awe of her natural beauty She wanted to be a great Hollywood star But she’s taken the surgery much too far Her teeth have been fixed...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, abuse, body, career, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member What Noise Annoys
Buoy noise annoys an oyster in bed Grandma hates Galahs screeching overhead My dog can't stand vacuum cleaner whirl Kids hate the noise of nails on chalkboard swirl Annoyance of noise builds to crescendo Repeating over again with echo Noise repeats...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, anger, conflict, sound,
Form: Rhyme
What Annoys Me
What annoys me? Honestly? I get annoyed if I can hear someone chewing their food..I often wonder which wild animal pack they were raised by. I get annoyed at certain individuals who do not know they are...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, funny,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member It Annoys Me
It annoys me to be constantly judged for my actions For the sole reason that I am a woman It annoys me to be ridiculed and mocked For the sole reason that it has always been deemed right That...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, woman, women,
Form: Free verse
Long Rain Annoys Not Loren
L-ong rain annoys not Loren, O-btruding chill can't dim the light; R-ealizing they disappear E-very twenty-fifth September N-ight. N-ifty nice affair continues U-ntil next dawn to be broken; Y-es, she's truly undaunted, D-eluge or long rain A-nnoys not Loren....Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member What Annoys Me
What Annoys Me. The Wedding of Rubbish and Nonsense. Dearest readers; Please stand, for the big day has arrived The knot be tied, the vows be said, the promises...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, betrayal,
Form: Couplet
What Annoys My Brain
What annoys me is... People who judge others At the first second before They know the person. They take one look at someone and say... You’re not popular That person won’t amount to anything So you bully them for your own benefit To...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, how i feel,
Form: ABC
Premium Member What Annoys You
Many things annoy me fools are top of the list you know when they make same mistakes time and again Or spout utter rubbish just for something to say no meaning or purpose just verbal diarrhoea Injustice of any form really...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, anger, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
What Annoys Me - Contest
What annoys me There are a few From white van drivers to Peope who like to jump a queue Chewing gum on pavemnts Stickin to your shoe Drivers on mobile phones Though that's illegal to do Back seat drivers When youve given them a...Read the rest...
Categories: annoys, life,
Form: Rhyme

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