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Announcement Poems - Poems about Announcement

Announcement Poems - Examples of all types of poems about announcement to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for announcement.
Premium Member Couplets Contest Announcement
Wonder what type of poems will be best In my new couplet poems only contest Will you wow me with colorful vocabulary Will your poem be monotone, dreary, merry I agonized over who wins a trophy the three But...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, appreciation, poetry, write, writing,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Contest Announcement Poem
Since I can’t write May as well read And sponsor a contest For free poetry Hope you will enter If it’s your desire Maybe you’ll find Words that inspire The contest is for 20 lines or less no more I hope it’ll be fun And not...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, appreciation, art, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Archangel's Amazing Announcement
Angel's amity amidst angry assembled archenemies, archangel's amazing announcement, an armistice achieved, armaments acquiesce, ardent applause, averted an armed and amoured armies animus and an Armageddon annihilation...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Worlds Most Difficult Announcement
A sure ear-bursting announcement: It shall walls vibrate: pronouncement A knight’s last-hour confession: Banging the pregnant profession… “I can’t. I will not! Where is he? Don’t even mention any fee May be, The Vicar should do so Here’s the microphone...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, evil, humanity, image, religion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Birth Announcement
Today, he is she Perhaps, you are me Petri dish babies ~ from some laboratory...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, baby, fantasy, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member At the Announcement of a Holiday
Children howl, like wolves and dogs, Dumping rules, like dirt-dust logs; The teacher's cane rarely works, The principal flares cause smirks! Workers stand, pandas-perplexed, Cattle crazing next, stand vexed; Students some; Angels! Correct, Others: Devils! See them wrecked! Principal-tiger hurried, Like sheep, each teacher...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, children, happy, holiday,
Form: Rhyme
Public Service Announcement
Breathe in... ...2 ...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, anxiety, care, deep, depression,
Form: Free verse
Pensioners, Come Tomorrow
What can it be if not ignited tension Among retirees waiting for their pension That weakly caters for their weekly ration Their numerous legs, hundreds of suspension: A carbon copy of the criminal’s in a police station. Long, I’ve been...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, anger, fear, sympathy,
Form: Rhyme
Announcement By Shepherds
Announcement to Shepherds Luke 2:8-20 Luke: “Nearby shepherds were living in the fields, Guarding their sheep at night. 9 The Lord’s angel, Stood before them, the Lord’s glory shone [yields], Around them, and they were terrified [the dell]. 10 The angel...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, angel, angst, atheist, christmas,
Form: Quatrain
The Great Aunt
Your parents gave me the news at Wilton's Music Hall a place of joy and drunkenness Laurel and Hardy, Hetty King, Marie Lloyd and now A Great Aunt. A figure of jest, jeers and laughter what fun, what fun. A great...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, baby, family,
Form: Free verse
Make Announcement
J-oyful A-crostic's Y-early S-tatement O-ffers N-atal C-omposition L-etting I-t M-ake A-nnouncement Topic: Birthday of Jayson Clima (February 10) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Marriage Announcement
She called me up a while ago In her voice there was a glow I've got some news for you, said she I'm getting married soon, you see In her voice there was a glow I knew that you would...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, father daughter, feelings, how
Form: Pantoum
Premium Member The C Bomb
there he was in his white coat afraid of our reaction as he dropped the C word we watched it bounce off the floor and hang there suspended no one reaching to grab it we all sat there with a blank stare pretending...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, cancer, sick, surreal, truth,
Form: Free verse
News Announcement
N-ews E-xpresses N-ice I-nterest T-o A-nnounce Topic: Birthday of Nenita S. Solares (April 19) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Yard Birth Announcement - Prelude
Yard Birth Announcement (Prelude) Eleven years, yet that news unveiling Still resounds happiness that fills our heart You may write down your wish, still accepting And out in the box new hope will start Embrace this day as another journey Stepping...Read the rest...
Categories: announcement, april, birthday, blessing, celebration,
Form: Sonnet

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