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Angular Poems - Poems about Angular

Angular Poems - Examples of all types of poems about angular to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for angular.

Premium Member Spring's Angular Sun
Spring's angular rising sun Cast shadows upon the plants The still air carries spring sounds Roosters' crows, doves' coos, deers' pants There's been no rain for about a month Puddles have dried , springs survive The creeks still run...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fall's Angular
fall's angular sun breaks through dark clouds luminous.... golden sunflower Maximillian Sunflower made my day!!...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, nature,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Spring's Angular Light
Angular sunlight danced on the placid waters of the steel-gray lake. Those waters damned up upon picturesque farm are for cattle and their plentiful young calves to drink. Not only one such farm along...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, bird, easter, life,
Form: Haibun

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Angular
Early morn sun angular cast Light on verdant grass and leaves A swallow dips catching bugs in flight As the poet enjoys cool breeze At least the porch is large and wide Plenty room for all to come But everyone is...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, feelings, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Your Long Angular Feet
Your Long Angular Feet You don’t know me, but I been riding here in this trundling lounge car for two hours now, watching you and your long angular feet, while rumbling over these burdened tracks, to silent Garden City, up...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, travel,
Form: Free verse

An Angular Boy
mucho akimbo, all elbows and knees, sudden as summer rain, white as paper, he falls thorugh doors and windows; then, closed like a shop on Sunday, window eyed, still as a nightbrook, a dry wheel under clouds; silent...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, angst, care,
Form: Blank verse
Unevenly Angular Existence
at the end of the right angle, your brain function seems unattractively acute, and the putridity and the pungency is quite obtuse something happened between the early period and the now it is as if you watered down your...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, change, sad love, ,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tri-Angular
Spiritual physical preparedness circumstansual Intellect unimaginable Rightousness unequivocal Ingathering aptitude Trinity refining me..'...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, allegory, christian,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Fall's Angular Sun
The sun rises south A little later each day Fall's angular sun As a chill tinges each leaf Blue Jay sings thanks_eats acorns ...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, life, nature, seasons,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Angular Fall Sun
fall's angular sun tops pecan tree''s limbs crow rides tender branch ...Read the rest...
Categories: angular, nature,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry