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Anaconda Poems - Poems about Anaconda

Anaconda Poems - Examples of all types of poems about anaconda to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for anaconda.

Premium Member Want a Hug
Want a hug? Accomodating anad willing anaconda asked me. No thanks, I said, running toward an oak tree. Emerald boa then lunged to try and get me. RUN! I yelled to my slower cousin, Little Lee....Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Mr Anaconda You Look Fine
Hello Mr. Anaconda How fit and fine you look this morning! Have you lost weight? You look terrific! I am backing away slowly, not rapidly. Hoping to buy myself a bit more time. How long does it take five hundred...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, animal,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Weight of An Anaconda
I always figured that the weight of an anaconda was a fabrication. A nightmare, something an evil book writer made up, to instill terror. So I looked it up. And I was wrong. An anaconda can weigh...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Python Refuses To Share Lunch
little coil shiver and shake tiny squeeze squeak tah dah tah dah anaconda arrives need any help? she asks python hisses a warning constricting a bit tighter louder squeak, then silence dinner’s eyes pop out python smiles not about to share her lunch anaconda slithers away...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Boa Constrictor and Anaconda
Boa, Constrictor and Anaconda were out on a slither. They saw some animals up ahead, yonder, some hither. I’ll get the baby. I’ll get the hayseed. With greedy appetites all three snakes were a quiver....Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Limerick

Obituary For An Anaconda
He did not receive high school education He did not know the US President, either; But he was a soloist, par se. Amen....Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, poetry,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Faerie Lies
Joyful faeries twirled and whirled, Stirring up the leaves and the dead things From the forest floor. Also uncovering the giant Anaconda who promptly Jumped into fighting mode. Her head came up swiftly, angrily. Until she realized it was the faeries. “I...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, fairy,
Form: Free verse
Forget Anaconda
Forget anaconda African rock python Super patriot...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, africa,
Form: Haiku
Anaconda Take 2
My cow farm don't... my cow farm don't ... my farm don't want none unless you got cows hun Cow named Daisy used to live in kettrin Big milkin udders , she was givin some mylk was shoutout with the...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, addiction, allusion, blessing, city,
Form: Chant Royal
Green Anaconda
Green Anaconda was the cute friend of Rhonda ...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, fun, funny, , cute,
Form: Limerick
Another Inner Anaconda
There is a voice in my head, it's filling my soul with dread. I can't fathom what it just said- For I think it wants me dead... So I shrink to the back of the room- ...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, confusion, me, voice, me,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Anaconda
Age is a snake that takes up residence, just a small little snake, on your shoulders, on the day you are born. Your radiance, your energy and strength match your blunders, and the viper is kept at bay for...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, allegory
Form: Sonnet
Anaconda Heart
Anaconda heart entranced By tight embraces, quickened glance Called to midnight by the sound of Drifters in the moonlight pond Enter into my domain where Frozen sheets of lightning rain Grow up from the ground of prickled pain Hardly cause for concern I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: anaconda, forgiveness, love, passion, heart,
Form: ABC

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry