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Amphitheater Poems - Poems about Amphitheater

Amphitheater Poems - Examples of all types of poems about amphitheater to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for amphitheater.
... Faith is like wifi invisible to the eye but connects you to what you need. Faith is the cornerstone of wholesome living it brings you to a fearless place of love Faith i......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, appreciation, faith,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In the realm of shadow where memories are born and die unnaturally
...In the realm of shadow where memories are born and die unnaturally, And stars watch in silence, reflecting celestial nostalgias. The Moon dresses in the silk of night, preparing for union, With th......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the land of silvery mists, where dreams touch the ground
...In the land of silvery mists, where dreams touch the ground, A being-abyss struggles, wishing to rise in docile flight and facing a deep fear, Striving to be a fruitful field, the most fertile vers......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member - Oasis -
... Could it be thoughts, images in my head or dreams painted with colors in acrylic and water that keeps me upright in the storm in tough times and desert wanderings Sensory im......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, beauty, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member No Escape
...Fear acclimated to my very senses, a dire undertaking This is, living in the present, yet a time traveling mind Sent me to relive the past, not to learn from it, but as Punishment, a judgement of......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, abortion, absence, abuse, anger,
Form: Free verse

Darling I Am An Theatrical Actor Dont You Know
...I lurch and crawl from Bar to Bar As most of all regulars and barkeep alike Unfortunately can vouch and attest for As i am well known or shall I say infamous Far and wide in these es......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, giggle,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Ventriloquist
...Where is the voice that once spoke here in this ancient amphitheater of weathered rock. Now, there is only the wind muttering prayers along the wall, nothing more than the sound of absence b......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, faith, history, religion, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 77-- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Hakim Family --Members
...7 am morning time. Damian was Awakened by his father's phone Call. "Damian get out of bed, on Your feet man. We have to attend A conference at 10 this morning." Damian responded, "Right" and ......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, courage, family, fate, father
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Dogs of War On a Blood Trail
...The Dogs of War are on a Blood Trail. The first, Blinken, of many vermin that will lead to Biden's son, who is up a tree hiding, will soon be devoured. Just before Hunter, now hunted, ......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, destiny,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Super Sunday
...A fiery glow envelops those assembled A revival meeting, uncannily resembled The vast amphitheater packed to the gills Worshipers revel in vulgar thrills Once the festivities are......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, america, analogy, football, forgiveness,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Day the Romans Levelled the City
...The column of Romans came from the east They mowed down our stone structures Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! We were all intimidated as the amphitheater fell This was totally unexpected and frightening.......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, history,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Morning Walk Along the River Ness
...Taking a lovely morning walk along the Ness while spending a few days at Inverness this walk has many grand features on its way get the winter clothing on, no need to fashion dress We pass firs......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, life, nature, river, water,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Great Outdoors
...cobweb suspension of October’s dangling leaves; acorns scattering as squirrels and chipmunks spat in season’s amphitheater 10/3/2021 Bite Size Poem No 22......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, animal, nature,
Form: Tanka
Inside the Mysteries
...The invisible involves infinite light when we learned to eye it... the unpalatable, hides visionary flavors when we lea......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, allegory, allusion, appreciation, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Insight From the Invisible
...The invisible carries infinite light when we learned to sight it... the unpalatable, hides visionary flavors when we le......Read the rest...
Categories: amphitheater, allegory, allusion, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse

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