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Activity Poems - Poems about Activity

Activity Poems - Examples of all types of poems about activity to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for activity.
Beyond the Concept-Activity Based Costing
A One Off Concept as Tends to happen casting to be announced a institutional concept emotion exclusivity concepts of revivalry quality needs not to be negotiated Neglecting the needs of your consumer base undermines your effectiveness pre production is successful at the post production fade Brand recognition offers satisfaction Production within...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, music,
Form: Bio
Sometimes, it is necessary When under attack. Whether or not mandatory, Take a break - step back. Often, we become sucked in Within activity. Resting is somewhat tucked in... Leads to calamity. Time and effort get away... Start taking their toll. Take a step back...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, care, recovery from,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A hive of activity
Erato leads the mind right into the zone To look for the sweet nectar sought by the bee As it fills its sacs with light, colour and tone Heavy winged ,replete ,it returns to its tree There its delicate...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, creation, inspiration, muse,
Form: Rispetto

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Place of Much Activity
It's a place of much activity where so much is done to cook everything is all handy nearby every menu is found in your book Nowadays there are many health rules so strict that all must be spot on a real...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, food, house, water,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Buzzing Bustle of Activity
A colony nests inside my soul where the nectar of pity was hoarded For all you, the urge to soar is unabated Hence, we may widen this horizon Truth can form hallucinations Still, can goals reflect reality? maybe not?! Enter inside the...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, analogy, character, child, endurance,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Summer Sight
A Summer Sight burning white glare forces squinted sight ~ sons squat by pool squashing bugs —————————————————————————————————————— Sally young eslinge (C) June 25, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, boy, fun, mother son,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Unnecessary Activity
War is the world’s most unnecessary activity~~ Destroying the most...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, war,
Form: Epigram
An Active Life
I'm the same as the sea, don't conceive eld and tired... I'm always ...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, allegory, allusion, creation, inspirational,
Form: Light Verse
Slowly I Reach Distances
It's been a while since I ran not to run, I say help! I can't even walk quickly, I can walking in a hurry is for young man... And today I don't even care to walk ahead... I don't... if...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, allegory, allusion, analogy, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Low Activity Life
Sitting. Quiet. Alone. Distractions pass through. Waiting. Nothing to do. Watching the clock. Two hours....Read the rest...
Categories: activity, 10th grade, angst, feelings,
Form: Free verse
My Ability In Activity
My alacrity in activity, Keeps me hectic during productivity; Acuity instructs me to produce prolific periodically. Heuristic and ingenuity guide me to invent novelty, And to show a seraphic smile, is my priority. My vitality in activity, Directs me to invest...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, beautiful, blessing, business, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Deep Forest Frenzy
Underneath green leaves that wave at the sun, Goes mad activity in the environs of summer! Fuzzy rabbits hopping along sunshine bound, Scurrying racoons-bandits off for a heist, Bushy tailed squirrels dancing in the pines, As fresh scent wafts through...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, animal, green, life, nature,
Form: Free verse
Religious Activity
E-ssential I-dea's L-ovely E-xpression E-mploys N-atal A-crostic L-etting C-omposition A-pply N-oble T-opic A-bout R-eligious A-ctivity Topic: Birthday of Sis. Eileen V. Manalo-Alcantara (January 12) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Activity Abstracted-
~ABSTRACT ANNUAL ABRIDGES ACTIVITY ABSTRACTED? 12/30/20 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. ©2020...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, analogy, cheer up, confusion,
Form: Alliteration
Poetic Activity
I-nspired R-eader I-s S-imply H-aving P-oetic A-ctivity N-icely E-njoying S-ublime A-crostic L-ine's E-normous S-weetness Topic: Birthday of Irish R. Panesales (October 16) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: activity, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry