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Abuzz Poems - Poems about Abuzz

Abuzz Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abuzz to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abuzz.
The Flower and the Bee
...The flower and the bee are miracle signs. To last forever when the spirit aligns. The summer is abuzz with all of the fun. A day to remember when love was outdone. The most perfect design th......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, life,
Form: Rhyme
39 Minutes
...39 minutes That is all that I have left Before me Not one minute more I spent my life Thinking time is precious Time is fleeting So I must hold on But now I realize It eludes my grasp N......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, death, time,
Form: Free verse

The Jews Harp
...if aromatic, can your sound adrift on wings like strings to sing by tongue and some from lighted tops of cloud aloud let fly, let fly o solitary eagle soaring high these aromatic overtones of d......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, dedication, deep, introspection, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Annual Ugly Bug Ball
...The world of insects is adither and abuzz About the biggest party bash that ever was. Their favorite time is near, It comes just once a year, The Annual Ugly Bug Ball. Caterpillars, centipedes......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, celebration, humor, insect,
Form: Light Verse
Insomnia welcomed courtesy high test coffee
...Insomnia welcomed courtesy high test coffee consumed later at night than usual finds me bright eyed and bushy tailed amply lively to learn about an American radio and television personality ......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, abuse, age, america, anger,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Name if it be Any Other
...My dearest, Poe, how doth I findeth thee, By now 'tis be of common knowledge. By the morrow the whole of Colchester will hear of it--it'll be no privy matter, I'm sure. And, um, wel......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, absence, allusion, analogy,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Cemetery Is Alive
...The cemetery is alive With freshly cut mums and poinsettias. Gathering people make it even more abuzz. A crisp wind blows Over each receding blade of grass – Slowly turning them the color of b......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, christmas, death, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
An Abecedarian
...Audience is abuzz. Boldly, Conductor emerges – black tux. Draw Ethereal patterns with baton– marv. Flutes, trumpets, cellos, drums dance for me, for you. Gentle, light… Heavy and dark…the musi......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, depression, music, recovery from,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member Sexy Wasp
...She is much sexier than the queen The hive was all abuzz This Marilyn Monroe-like wasp Was the woman that never was. The drones almost stopped working When sexy wasp came into the hive I thin......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Funny Not Funny
...summer nights abuzz street lamps busy with insects~ funny things you miss......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, insect, summer,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Forgotten Moments
...Memories can become blurry, over time, like underdeveloped photographs, or incomplete, like sunlight through blinds. Our lives move ever forward, like the inflexible patterns of stars. Once ......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, parents, student,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Some Insects Are a Nuisance
...Fruit flies abuzz everywhere Some fly here and some land plop Doesn't matter if it is on fruit or poop. Then they have the nerve to land in my stew I think they have the right to life......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, insect,
Form: Verse
Dance Partner Directive
...Come to my gravesite All dressed in red A black umbrella held over your head that partially obscures you from view As I am gently lowered to my final place of rest Take the bouquet you hold ......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, extended metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tattoo You
...I don't regret I got it This small tattoo of mine An everlasting love note In permanence of kind I look at it and smile It doesn't make me sad It represents the moment Where ink on the scratch......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, for her, i love
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Passion With a Pen
... Passion with a Pen Birth of a Critic 8/2/2023 So excited was I, to gain a position. ......Read the rest...
Categories: abuzz, adventure, courage, leadership, truth,
Form: Rhyme

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