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Abled Poems - Poems about Abled

Abled Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abled to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abled.
...THREE ROCKS Written for Competition : A Magical Journey Sponsor : Constance La France [ Prompt : I hold three magic rocks in my hand Rolling them over and over and over Leaving this ......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, adventure, allegory, extended metaphor,
Form: Alliteration
...Here we are - both you and I... Yet to ask each other why. Why, that is, our combination May result in conversation. The two of us - complete strangers... Potentially abled exchangers. Upon mor......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, inspirational, meaningful, strength,
Form: Rhyme

The Role of a Soldier
...There are some eminent people who are true epitomes of bravery they carry arms to fight against the enemy and unfurl the flag of victory! But at times, they become the war casualty who lose thei......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, appreciation, courage, encouraging, endurance,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Green Resilience Theory
...I've been warmly remembering your peak solidarity experience joyfully shared When you suggested in a state-wide wisdom circle that our cooperative advocacy might feel more robust and become ......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, earth, earth day, environment,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Enabled Empathy
...It's weird and sometimes wild living with a non-LeftBrain verbal dominant aspiring child, now young adult I find myself waiting for him to nonverbally connect and correct me about my patria......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, culture, health, humor, identity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member Tell It Like It Is
...When you’re down on your luck, all one needs is love and a hug. Quote - Poet’s own I'll tell it like it is, the mood that's blue People tell me I'm looking well, not true T......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, anxiety, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Disability Advocacy
...It's funny how one might look down upon disability And not regard it as an integral part of the society Only for then to realize that in us still lies the ability To cast a vote, and take part in......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, change, corruption, discrimination, leadership,
Form: Rhyme
Flag Day 2022 Tuesday June 14
...Indoctrination courtesy pledge of allegiance occurred every morning soon after I arrived at grade school, a little boy namely Matthew Scott Harris remembers obligatory recitation mindful to keep ......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Inside of Us
...Inside of us We all have our thoughts inside of our heads And a heart that lies there beneath our breast A pair of lungs so we breathe in and out A to......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, body,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sacred Falling Stars
...Once upon a time a gymnast teacher told a girl, and all her classmates, to gather round to spot the student currently bouncing on the trampoline. They circled to volunteer a ring of imp......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, allegory, analogy, caregiving, health,
Form: Political Verse
You'Re Facing a Hurdle It's Still the Same Track
...Don't think you've fallen where no one else has fallen don't think you're fighting a fight no one's fought Growing up in a world of rainbows and glitter shielded from the stress and the strain......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, anxiety, depression, endurance, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Journey
...My spiritual journey has been eventful, Still uncompleted. It started at a very Young age; my proper life very ordinary. Raised simple old-fashioned; my soul very faithful. Encouraged by spirit......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, god, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Somewhere Over the Horizon
..."Soon we'll all be free, to exist courageously.” Quote ~ by Poet Somewhere over the horizon the sun will shine Multicoloured rainbows will cast their magic spell Dark cloud......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, family, friend, hope, recovery
Form: Rhyme
...the blind sees no colours, dark eyes close inner vision bright......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, color, dark, inspiration, light,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Time
...*Image of Excitement Unlocked giphy by Escape Hunt. Time Life millstones pressures creation to sort through essential time, balms the albatross over seasonable means......Read the rest...
Categories: abled, meaningful, time,
Form: Villanelle

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry