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True Love Quotations

True Love quotations. Find, read, and share True Love quotations. These are the best examples of True Love quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The course of true love never did run smooth. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen. Quote Right
Quote Left My true-love hath my heart, and I have his, By just exchange, one for the other given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, There never was a better bargain driven. Quote Right
Quote Left But true love is a durable fire In the mind ever burning Never sick, never old, never dead From itself never turning. Quote Right
Quote Left One of the biggest things that people say is that kids love football, they love baseball, they love soccer, they love basketball, but put a hockey stick in their hands and we'll find out where their true love is. Quote Right
Quote Left No matter how hard it is, true love is also the result of an accident in the dream of our life, and that accident is an event that happens in our soul. This event can be in another transcendental reality a volcano, a butterfly, a mountain or any other possible image we cannot even imagine. Quote Right
Quote Left Antipathy, dissimilarity of views, hate, contempt, can accompany true love. Quote Right
Quote Left Mitch True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend... Quote Right
Quote Left Sweet is true love that is given in vain, and sweet is death that takes away pain. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is night jasmine, a diamond in darkness, the heartbeat no cardiologist has ever heard. It is the most common of miracles, fashioned of fleecy clouds -- a handful of stars tossed into the night sky. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is hard to find. Sometimes you think you have true love, and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego, and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blinfolded, like a goddamn magic show, ready to doubleteam your girlfriend. Quote Right
Quote Left My true love Will look into my eyes And see my soul Through the misty blue hue Will open my heart And never close the door Remain for eternity My true love Will say hello…..and never utter goodbye….. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is not rare at the age of a teen, but recognizing it as true love is. Quote Right
Quote Left The only true love is love at first sight second sight dispels it. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is night jasmine, a diamond in darkenss, the heartbeat no cardiologist has ever heard. It is the most common of miracles, fashioned of fleecy clouds, a handful of stars tossed into the night sky. Quote Right
Quote Left True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away. Quote Right
Quote Left Buttercup: I fear I will never see you again Westly: Hear this and hear this well -- I will always return to you Buttercup: But how can you be so sure? Westly: This is true love do you think this happeneds everyday? Quote Right
Quote Left 'True love' isn't so much a dreamy feeling that you have as it is an enduring commitment to give sacrificially --even, or perhaps especially, when you don't feel like it. Quote Right
Quote Left When the people we love are stolen from us the thing we have to remember is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn. People die, but true love is forever. Quote Right
Quote Left True love allows each person to follow his or her own path, aware that doing so can never drive them apart. Quote Right
Quote Left As I sit I see a dove And think of our deep, dear true love Think not about our future lives Except perhaps our growing size Keep all your thoughts alive, aglow, All will be well, no fear, I know Quote Right
Quote Left True love is the parent of humility. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. Quote Right
Quote Left if once the message greet him That his True Love doth stay, If Death should come and meet him, Love will find out the way! Quote Right
Quote Left True love brings up everything - you're allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily. Quote Right
Quote Left I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, Even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. Quote Right
Quote Left So long as little children are allowed to suffer, there is no true love in this world. Quote Right
Quote Left True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. Quote Right
Quote Left However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship. Quote Right
Quote Left It is with true love as it is with ghosts everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. Quote Right

Member Quotes About True Love

Quote Left -- be the cause and effect of one another, seeking a middle ground balance...if both hang in there long enough will evolve true love -- Quote Right
Quote Left "It may take several lifetimes, before you meet your one true love." Quote Right
Quote Left True love happens without a reason, It’s limitless, once experienced it flows endlessly from season to season. It’s a memory that can never be erased, deleted or forgotten. By Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left You've got to admit, love can be very funny: the things we say and do when unscripted and spontaneous -- only true love can feel so respected and secure. Quote Right
Quote Left In search of a true love, I went to the wisest men; they said I'd need to love three people at once. Luckily, they gave me their names as: YOU, YOU and YOU. Quote Right
Quote Left God made true love like a rose; the bloom and the thorns altogether. Quote Right
Quote Left "True LOVE is kind and never hurts" Quote Right
Quote Left Love like an ocean is mercurial. Subject to changing constancy; underneath the waves, in the deepest bed lies true love, watching us tread water, waiting for us to turn late or early, it does not matter; we dive deeper to find its arms open, ready to envelop us. We go searching for pearls, drowning in it all, treasure like wisdom to be found. Quote Right
Quote Left Love like an ocean is mercurial. Subject to changing constancy; underneath the waves, in the deepest bed lies true love, watching us tread water, waiting for us to turn late or early, it does not matter; we dive deeper to find its arms open, ready to envelop us. We go searching for pearls, drowning in it all, treasure like wisdom to be found Quote Right
Quote Left True love is never ending... Quote Right
Quote Left True love and friendship Are never lost They are only interrupted Quote Right
Quote Left - Hiding one's true love is pure cowardliness - Quote Right
Quote Left - It isn’t easy to find true love - Quote Right
Quote Left True love is like a flower it needs to be watered reguralrly in order that it is not withered. Quote Right
Quote Left Words have failed to express true Love. Quote Right
Quote Left "When she cleansed the droplets of sadness from her eyes, she told me that true love was dead. I replied: It will never be dead, for as what beats beneath this chest still longs for you." Quote Right
Quote Left “True love is the gift of freedom to live, it’s never possessive or oppressive.” Quote Right
Quote Left Nowadays people have forgotten to love.Everyday people are changing girlfriends and boyfriends like changing clothes.People have made love for business nowadays.Nobody appreciates true feelings and Everyone is giving more importance to body and money.Nowadays no one loves the heart, even though someone loves the heart but no one appreciates their love.If both lovers are true lovers, then this society and their family never allows their love to succeed. Quote Right
Quote Left True Love is winged, never shackled by control or jealousy. Quote Right
Quote Left Life's lessons throughout the years teaches when and where true love lies. Quote Right
Quote Left My true love was lovely in the beginning, is lovely in the middle, and will be lovely till the end. Quote Right
Quote Left the most difficult of attachments is true love. It requires one to give their all without benefit of expectation. Quote Right
Quote Left Its hard to fall in love, True love, But its harder to be responsible for falling in Love. Quote Right
Quote Left The most terrifying thing in the world is beauty, it stops breath, causes wars, turns brother against brother and often kills without thought. True beauty is the thing to be most scared of it is the biggest strength and the greatest weakness as it shows the one you reveal yourself to every scar, horror and care you had, to find someone who accepts you scars and all, everything seen and unseen is true love, people are usually shallow which is why true love is so rare. Quote Right
Quote Left The hardest trial is the finding of true love, it consumes and hardens the hearts of others, it forces one to accept the possibilities of hate and forces one to find the small glimmer of hope that one is loved, when in truth the only person that can love truly in the way people desire is oneself. Quote Right
Quote Left When a parent sacrifices their own happiness for the love of a child well that is true love in itself. Quote Right
Quote Left *When true love exists between two parties especially married couple, it takes tears from death eyes to separate one from the other.* *For the Lord loves true love* *Paciolo Pen Saint??????* Quote Right
Quote Left The most welcome love is flatter and fallacy. That which isn't possible. True love is a pain. The one that arouses feelings, emotions and partying. True love is at the peak of affairs. Quote Right
Quote Left In The heart of a Hero Author Dana Redricks May 25, 2014 In the heart of a hero lies The search of true love There is no greater love than A sacrificial one. The freedom we enjoy was Paid with the cost of that love Sacrifice. Rather in the military, or a Civilian loving someone Enough to put them before Yourself, and walking that extra Mile enduring the pain with a A smile. Quote Right

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