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Poems by Shari Thomas

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Below are poems written by United States poet Shari Thomas. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Shari Thomas.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/19/2022 Common Law Emotional Partnership 152 Free verse
10/12/2022 Love of My Life 343 Free verse
10/12/2022 Hold Out Hope 248 Free verse
10/06/2022 Break the Chain 161 Free verse
10/06/2022 Written In Disappearing Ink 336 Free verse
10/06/2022 By a Thread 113 Free verse
10/04/2022 You Want Me Back As Much As I Want You Back 286 Free verse
10/04/2022 You Can Not Admit It But It Is True 302 Free verse
10/04/2022 No Matter What You Say 184 Free verse
10/04/2022 The Situational Door 169 Free verse
03/09/2020 Honest With Myself 276 Lyric
03/03/2020 Such Eloquence 239 Lyric
03/03/2020 Hard To Argue With 234 Lyric
03/03/2020 Inspirational 710 Lyric
02/28/2020 Expunge 294 Lyric
02/28/2020 Once and For All 278 Lyric
02/28/2020 Unexpected Response 269 Lyric
02/25/2020 Authentic Selves 253 Lyric
02/25/2020 Social Facade 265 Lyric
02/25/2020 Truth Serum 319 Lyric
02/21/2020 Greater Self Awareness 461 Lyric
02/21/2020 Perspective Shift 278 Lyric
02/13/2020 Resurfacing 279 Lyric
02/13/2020 Memories Escaped 238 Lyric
02/12/2020 Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish 571 Lyric
02/12/2020 Contrived Version 286 Lyric
02/12/2020 Preconceived Mold 340 Lyric
02/12/2020 Searching For Motivation 221 Lyric
02/11/2020 Unwanted Interrogation 277 Lyric
02/11/2020 Conceited Waves Wash Over the Shore 241 Lyric
02/11/2020 A Negative Aura Exudes From Within 279 Lyric
02/11/2020 What Is Her Deal 198 Lyric
02/10/2020 Never Be a Follower 295 Lyric
02/10/2020 No Wrong Answers 181 Lyric
02/10/2020 Turning Point 291 Lyric
02/10/2020 Change the Narrative 237 Lyric
05/14/2019 Broke Emotional Chains 228 Lyric
05/14/2019 Blow Emotional Top 246 Lyric
05/14/2019 Underneath Emotional Thumb 201 Lyric
05/14/2019 A Better Place 217 Lyric
09/20/2018 Confidence Lacking 325 Lyric
09/20/2018 A Fighting Chance 230 Lyric
09/20/2018 Renewed Opportunity 198 Lyric
09/19/2018 Piercing Needles 262 Lyric
09/19/2018 Past Whispers 215 Lyric
09/19/2018 Thought It Would Be Worse 201 Lyric
05/28/2018 Emotionally Beat Down 309 Lyric
05/28/2018 Have Not Turned Out 260 Lyric
05/24/2018 Find a Way To 293 Lyric
05/24/2018 One Way Or Another 282 Lyric
05/24/2018 Many Times Before 248 Lyric
05/24/2018 All In Vain 284 Lyric
05/04/2018 Soapbox Statements 287 Lyric
05/04/2018 Rant Rave 325 Lyric
05/03/2018 Melodramatic Reenactments 317 Lyric
05/03/2018 Wind Chill Blowing 328 Lyric
05/03/2018 Offensive State 319 Lyric
04/30/2018 Introspection Brings 319 Lyric
04/30/2018 Query Rises From Within 267 Lyric
04/26/2018 Emotional Demerits 380 Lyric
04/26/2018 Merit Badges 286 Lyric
04/26/2018 Middle of Nowhere 324 Lyric
04/26/2018 Deserted Beach 310 Lyric
04/25/2018 Unraveling Mental Threads 246 Lyric
04/25/2018 Hearts Confession 368 Lyric
04/25/2018 The Reveal 282 Lyric
04/25/2018 A Story Within the Eyes 390 Lyric
04/23/2018 Where Your Dreams Live 288 Lyric
04/23/2018 Getting Out of Your Own Way 287 Lyric
04/23/2018 Staying Positive 339 Lyric
04/23/2018 Never To Late 260 Lyric
04/09/2018 Realistic View 244 Lyric
04/09/2018 Low Expectations 244 Lyric
04/09/2018 Getting Hopes Up 236 Lyric
04/03/2018 Borderline Between 251 Lyric
04/03/2018 Neutral Ground Must Be Found 290 Lyric
04/03/2018 Live Within the Gray Areas 250 Lyric
03/22/2018 Productive Member 225 Lyric
03/21/2018 Can'T Ignore It Anymore 331 Lyric
03/15/2018 Excursion Within the Self 552 Lyric
03/15/2018 Excuses 362 Lyric
03/15/2018 Stumbling Over Deterrents 269 Lyric
03/15/2018 Road Blocks 266 Lyric
03/14/2018 Projecting False Imagery 389 Lyric
03/14/2018 Devise a Plan 257 Lyric
03/14/2018 Pie In the Sky 358 Lyric
03/14/2018 Skywriting 252 Lyric
03/13/2018 Received Thumbs Down 274 Lyric
03/13/2018 Lost To Indifference 329 Lyric
03/13/2018 Debating the Past 320 Lyric
03/13/2018 Not Yet Known 271 Lyric
03/12/2018 Wormhole Portal Opened 294 Lyric
03/12/2018 Seize Opportunity 292 Lyric
03/12/2018 Leave In the Dust 310 Lyric
03/12/2018 Draw the Line 265 Lyric
03/12/2018 Perpetual Stagnation 276 Lyric
03/09/2018 Ignoring Me 268 Lyric
03/09/2018 Emotional Annulment 373 Lyric
03/09/2018 Break the Spirit of Hope 274 Lyric
03/09/2018 Obliterate From Existence 244 Lyric

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry