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Poems by Tidy Desk

Tidy Desk - Premium MemberPremium Member   Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Ireland poet Tidy Desk. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Tidy Desk.

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The poem(s) are below...


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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/16/2024 Harvest 217 Haiku
08/15/2024 Ocean 786 Haiku
03/31/2024 Victory in the valley 311 Rhyme
03/29/2024 Morning Chill 299 Rhyme
09/05/2023 Walk 174 Haiku
09/04/2023 Cake 266 Haiku
09/02/2023 Visit 187 Haiku
04/11/2022 Nature Walk 506 Rhyme
04/06/2022 Green Aftershock 788 Rhyme
04/03/2022 Elves 508 Rhyme
02/07/2022 White Knuckle 362 Rhyme
12/02/2021 Violet Electric 303 Rhyme
11/21/2021 Jazz 'N' Juice 380 Haiku
10/22/2021 Night Whisper 663 Rhyme
04/10/2021 Dance 1097 Rhyme
04/29/2020 Peculiar Passage 717 Rhyme
04/20/2020 Night of the Red Dragons 1022 Rhyme
04/20/2020 Men of Old 645 Rhyme
04/12/2020 Perfect Present 745 Rhyme
04/10/2020 Visitation Time 1027 Rhyme


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