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Funny Verse Poems

These Funny Verse poems are examples of Verse poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Verse Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Funny Business
just normal

Busy nurse
with dayful

Buzzy noise
gets headful

Bossy niece
gives earful

Bees knees
surely bestful

Boozy Ness
drinks Lochful

as usual


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Categories: verse, fun, funny, humor, humorous,

I would love to share with you one talk, but my soul shakes 1
Everything started for you on Sunday night,
For me? It had begun on Friday, in plain sight.
How silly it was, I didn't think it through,
How did...

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Categories: verse, 9th grade,

Two genders

when we were toddlers, we played in the sandbox
and hide and seek, we didn't think about whose
gender we were
a few years later, the girls...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: verse, allusion, america, anti bullying,

Premium Member See See Under The Sea
the seahorses grazed in a field undersea 
the jellyfish wobbled at the party

the starfish in their constellations went
the clams secretive tight lipped and silent 


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Categories: verse, animal, fish, fun, humorous,

Premium Member A Dog And A Frog On A Spoon
a dog and a frog
who stood on a spoon
and went round the town
in their dressing gown

said the dog to the frog
oh lets spoon to the...

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Categories: verse, crazy, fun, humorous, imagery,

Premium Member Old Woodbeard
the wooden pirate
with a real leg
‘pon his left shoulder
not a parrot but a peg

his ship inverted
sailed ‘neath the wave
and in his treasure chest
was a...

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Categories: verse, adventure, fantasy, fun, funny,

Premium Member What Is That You Speak Of
what is this moo you speak of
could it be
upon field and grass
beauty of greenery
in summer’s wain alas

what is this woof you speak of
could it be

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Categories: verse, animal, fun, humorous, meaningful,

Life's Veneration
People who meet you
Comfortably add sugar
In your life.

Funny people most likely
Are spices in life
It makes your day bright. 

A person sparkle your eyes
Makes a good...

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Categories: verse, inspiration, life, love,

Premium Member Skeletons Dancing
kreel n krurl 
bone twisting brake
skeletons dancing
beturn o bewake 
beslide n beclunky
on graveyardy mound
skelebones skelefunky
over graveyardy ground


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Categories: verse, fun, funny, halloween, humorous,

Premium Member Who do you think of
Who do you often think of?
Is it God?  Or is it man?
Should I think of God?
That is a funny question 
Should your problems be...

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Categories: verse, faith,

Premium Member The Crazy World Of The Fruit And Veg Folk
mr onion with his mad mad hair
miss pepper with her smoothen skin
mrs lemon looking so so fair
master cauliflower’s complexion

the long long nose of sir carrot

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Categories: verse, crazy, fun, funny, humorous,

Premium Member I Promise It Is Nothing Personal
Only twenty-five years since I took your name,
fluorescent lights, a government building,
the officiant a stranger we met that morning—
no pictures, no rehearsals, just vows
read like...

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Categories: verse, endurance, growth, life,

Premium Member A Fly Flew Onto A Ski
as a fly flew onto a ski
his weight was just right you see
so off down the mountain went he
could his eyes be any larger? probably

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Categories: verse, fun, funny, humorous, nonsense,

Premium Member When You Are Ready
Kublai has swollen lymph nodes in his throat that is why
it is hard for him to eat. The lymph nodes have spread
down his back, he...

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Categories: verse, dog, love, pets,

Premium Member Ostrich Learning To Swim
an ostrich learning to swim in the sea
his neck like a stick floating vertically
swirling and rounding 
and bobbing a wave
an invisible hand stirs a big...

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Categories: verse, bird, fun, funny, humorous,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things