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Taiwan Poems - Poems about Taiwan

Taiwan Poems - Examples of all types of poems about taiwan to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for taiwan.

Taiwan Street Delight
Cold ice melon Light of Taiwan Quenching the soul....Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, business, engagement, life, perspective,
Form: Than-Bauk
Lyrical Journey of a Lover through Taiwan-I
If you are the vast, ever-changing ocean, I will be the sturdy mountain, holding you close, Embracing your gentle morning waves with care, And welcome your crashing tidal surges in the evening without fear. If you are the...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, love, travel,
Form: Rhyme

Lyrical Journey of a Lover through Taiwan-II
When you spread your arms wide with a smile so bright, No words are needed, our souls are in flight. Let's watch as the birds soar over Green Island's charm, Flying carefree through nature's loving...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, love, travel,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Jinping Pong
China claims that the Taiwan Strait Does not divorce it from its mate But China's been busted It can not be trusted Since it reneged on Hong Kong's fate!...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, international,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Vacation In Taiwan
My most favorite vacation ever was in Taiwan, That was in October 2019, not in year 1991. I’d humorous experience with my four friends, On arrival day and travelling by bus and train. The moment we arrived at the...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, vacation,
Form: Rhyme

Fried Turtles
Fried Turtles The little dog chews on the blue wire His sharp teeth need blunting So he picked this bomb wire to gnaw He likes biting and such like One of his main interests His master’s fingers and boots Car tires on...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, conflict, dog, satire,
Form: Verse
Rise O Empire of Tibet
O’Great Nation of the Himalayas, Claim your rightful place on the earth, Prove to none, except yourself, what your worth, Hurdle the Dragon, that Serpent into the dearth, Stand affirm, fortress strong, War with Dragon, no matter how long, Do not...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, america, judgement, military, pashto,
Form: Political Verse
Rise O Taiwan
Rise this True Republic, be not afraid, Strengthen your Loins, arm yourselves and prepare to Invade, That Marxist-Maoist Dragon! And its Satellite states, Whom loves death and life hates! From this Poet you have my grace, To march for your...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, independence day, inspiration, inspirational,
Form: Quatrain
On the Other Side of a Twenty-Seven Mile Wide Mountain Range
on the other side of a twenty-seven mile wide mountain range is a place to go where no cars and cycles buzz behind me where the dusk heated sun does not touch my back and polluted air does...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, freedom, marriage, nature, travel,
Form: Free verse
Originating from a tropical country My family and I decided to go to Taiwan We were on an airbus, big and long Sitting with each other and playing We set off heading to the east My, was it a long...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, adventure, appreciation, beauty, imagination,
Form: Imagism
Six Taiwan Haikus
i sleek shiny pussy my night-loving feline friend will you always purr ii dogs rolling the shade ghost sacrifice dances the haze we sail for China ...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, adventure, animal, travel,
Form: Haiku
Ways and Taiwan
Ways of Taiwan…. Open and upright are oracle minds. Wisdoms are fluxes and thoughts are coils. Valid truths are drive as forces. Taiwan needs a exact ways. Fighht the china commie and get their righrs. Laws are ready and some are...Read the rest...
Categories: taiwan, dark,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things