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Stratocumulus Poems - Poems about Stratocumulus

Stratocumulus Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stratocumulus to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stratocumulus.

Premium Member tic tic
...It’s summer, hurry up. Let’s not waste a minute. Where’s the sunscreen, where’s the party, who’s knutching who? The sky was crowded with bright, balloon stratocumulus clouds, hanging mountain-lik......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, fun, girlfriend, summer, vacation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Halloween Tale
...I can still hear the echo of bells tolling its dirge. As I sat on my rocking chair in the semi-darkness. Outside as if in defiance the moon shone brightly Illuminating my room through the large ......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, death, dream,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Sea Gulls Came Home Potd
...The horizon was brewing ominous clouds, Dark as if they came out of hell. The once azure sky became hazy As the north wind chilly breezes Puffed up more stratocumulus, Rain-heavy clouds signi......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, bird, love, storm,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Cloud Appreciation Society
...have you heard of the cloud appreciation society? Jesus Christ cloud spotters points for clouds you got ya stratocumulus I just saw a cumulus congestus tower thirty points for that fifty-five ......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, humor, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member If Clouds Were Ships
...If clouds were ships then children would fly, ever higher and higher, way up in the sky. There’s cirrus and stratus, cumulus too, sailing on seas of periwinkle blue, their sails w......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, nature, poems, poetry, sky,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Papyrus, Lapis Lazuli and the Valley of the Kings - Part 1
... "Papyrus, Lapis Lazuli and the Valley of the Kings - Part 1" “Tell me about the Valley of the Kings”, her lips moved speaking to someone, sitting somewhere on the other side of the......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, adventure, dream, mythology, romance,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crespuscular Rays
...Tanka – Crespuscular Rays (Sun Rays) Crespuscular rays In an orange sherbet sky, Penetrates surface of stratocumulus clouds to kiss a raging blue sea......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, blue, kiss, sea, sun,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Moonshadow
...Stratocumulus, Nocturnal anomalies; Cast shadows of doubt.......Read the rest...
Categories: stratocumulus, nature
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things