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Stonework Poems - Poems about Stonework

Stonework Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stonework to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stonework.
The Four Seasons of Man
...Spring arrived, ‘Twas the dawn of man Consciousness exploded with a Big Bang We foraged inquisitively for berries and nuts Soon building settlements and primitive huts A subtle spark conjured o......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, earth, farewell, humanity, journey,
Form: Rhyme
Nine Eleven
...NINE ELEVEN That fateful day when the news came in Grim indeed, but seemed a world away The two tall pinnacles of a modern city It took some time to really feel the pity All colour disappeared......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, bereavement, memorial day,
Form: Rhyme

The Colors of Gray
...Paris was built gray, though in summer, the trees and the umbrellas upload color. The architecture spills over into gay shades of silver and pewter. Edinburgh is gray, gray are the plastic rain......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Railway Station
...Neon lights outlined stalls in braids of red and green in the dim cavernous hall of the railway station. Muted drum taps of passing feet and crisscross talk were pierced by stabbing announcemen......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, nostalgia, travel,
Form: Free verse
Shadow On Trail
...Collapsing inwards, Been someone else outwards, That’s who he desires to be, Someone he wants others to see, He’s fame-hunger stricken, His coast he intends to widen, He craves to be the cynos......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, change, identity,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Cafe Au Lait
... Brings back aromatic, delicious yesterdays. Our San Francisco les journeees! Of winding streets and moonlit sweaty-love soaked sheets. North Beach, homemade Italian fresh baked brea......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, beautiful, boat, city, engagement,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Disturbed Minds
...DISTURBED MINDS Pete was a handsome young boy, only fifteen years of age, Had PSYCHOSIS, his reality severely distorted, a mental disorder, Felt that his brain was contained in a wrought iron ca......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, suicide,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member bougainvillea -
... the Bougainvillea creep ... tip-toe along the rough stonework little woody tendrils of life stretching for ... what? I fear, to prove me not near as hearty as they … April's chill weep streak......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, analogy, death, flower, life,
Form: Free verse
A Sonnet To Sadness
...The ancient anguish of a hurting heart Bequeaths no beauteous scene to me today. It’s just a jagged chasm gashed apart, A stream with boulders strewn in disarray. Like rusted leaves that bleakly ......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, beautiful, beauty, heartbreak, heartbroken,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Life of a Breakwater
...The Life of a Breakwater A walk on the sharp shingle led to where The dry, smooth surface felt warm to our feet, The pale grey stonework embedded in the beach. Those steps so broa......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, beach, fun, summer,
Form: Blank verse
Embezzling Jesus Freaks' Embellishments
...Ashes to transcendence mid infested holy waters naught bearing ascertained compassionate divinity, mad puppet masters fleecing wings in lieu of ceremoniously exorcised influential malign......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, abuse, betrayal, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Watching Nature Force Itself Through
...The waters crash against the rocks with the foaming lather running down upon the stonework so glistening as if speaking with a frown There's such force among the ocean coming in with power fas......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, life, nature, self,
Form: Rhyme
Last Joy
...An ancient castle’s rowdy crowds were thinned By war and famine. Once its fortress fell To fire, its people left it to the wind. In time, the spirit of its aging well Perceived the surging dang......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, allegory, death, loneliness, longing,
Form: Rhyme
Cat Or the Sparrow
..."toity poiple boids, dehd upahn da coib, noh muh chiopin or boipin, or eatin doity woims..." I found a dead sparrow this morning, sideways on the stoop, strangely unblooded, gifted b......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, life,
Form: Prose
Mount Rushmore
...I looked up at the mountain, the result - I was in awe! George, Teddy, Tom, and Abe, were the faces, that I saw! Faces carved in granite. Fourteen years, to get it done! Over 400 people did t......Read the rest...
Categories: stonework, history, tribute, , memorial,
Form: Rhyme

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